Turkish Words: Top 500 Verbs 376 - 400

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to play
Shall we play a game?
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Bir oyun oynayalım mı?
to load
also: to install
The workers loaded the truck in 2 hours.
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İşçiler, eşyaları kamyona 2 saatte yüklediler.
to drink
You should drink a lot of water.
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Çok fazla su içmelisin.
to blame
Stop blaming me for everything.
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Her şey için beni suçlamayı bırak.
to be silent
Is she always so silent?
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sessiz olmak
O niye her zaman sessiz?
to drop
The water level is dropping.
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Su seviyesi düşüyor.
to pour
Pour the water into the beaker.
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Suyu behere dök.
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