Turkish Words: Top 500 Verbs 151 - 175

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to receive
Did you receive the documents?
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teslim almak
Dokümanlarınızı teslim aldınız mı?
to see
I can't see anything!
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Hiçbir şey göremiyorum!
to be thirsty
I'm so thirsty I could drink five liters of water!
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O kadar susadım ki beş litre su içebilirim!
to belong
Everything in this town belongs to me!
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ait olmak
Bu şehirdeki her şey bana ait!
to obey
Dogs obey their owners.
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itaat etmek
Köpekler sahiplerine itaat ederler.
to move
We moved to London two years ago.
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İki sene önce Londra'ya taşındık.
to plant
The gardener planted seven new seeds.
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Bahçıvan yedi tohum ekti.
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"Turkish Words: Top 500 Verbs"
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