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bardziej rzucajacy sie w oczy inizia ad imparare
This one’s showier. This one’s more expensive
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How do I say this without sounding like an ass?
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leave with me, come away with me
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ustalenia, przygotowania do podróży inizia ad imparare
zorganizuje cos innego I’ll make other arrangements
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bus fare, last minute fare
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I thought if worse came to worst we could grab a room
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these are the boxes that I’m having shipped
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bagaż podręczny (także bagaż podręczny, bagaż podręczny, bagaż podręczny AmE) inizia ad imparare
carry-on (also hand luggage, carry--on luggage, hand baggage AmE) what about your carry-ons?
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my travel documents are on the counter
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The very begining of the trip plannong process includes basics such as purchasing plane or train tickets and arranging accommodation.
przed czasem/terminem, z wyprzedzeniem inizia ad imparare
Check ahead of time if your passport isn’t about to expire soon l, and if so, have it renewed.
odnowić, przedluzyc waznosc inizia ad imparare
zapewniać, dostarczać, podac, przekazac inizia ad imparare
websites provide all the necessary information
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When you’ve made sure your passport will be valid for at least six more months after your vacation, apply for a visa
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Buying plane tickets is something you can easily do online nowadays and the same goes for booking hotels
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You can use apps such as Skyscanner or Tripadvisor, respectively.
zrobić wszystkie badania, szukac wszystkiego inizia ad imparare
If you dob’t want to do all the research yourself, find a travel agent who will do it for you.
oferty pakietowe / wakacje pakietowe inizia ad imparare
package deals/ package holidays They usually offer package deals whicj also include transfers from and to the airport, half board or full board accommodation
sniadanie i obiadokolacja (HB) inizia ad imparare
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However, in case of any unexpected emergency, having insurance can save you a lot of money and trouble
przezorny zawsze ubezpieczony inizia ad imparare
it’s better to be safe than sorry
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You shouldn’t save on insurance, even though you buy it and hope to never have to use it
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Choosing an insurance plan will depend on many factors, like when you’re travelling, how you’re getting there, the activities you are planning
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przygódowy ryzykowny/ nieprzygodowy inizia ad imparare
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sporty/ zajęcia wysokiego ryzyka inizia ad imparare
high-risk sports/ activities
dodatkowa polisa/dodatkowe ubezpieczenie inizia ad imparare
additional policy/ extra insurance
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Most of the time insurance can help us with: trip cancellation and interruption, medical and accident coverage, evacuation and repatriation, baggage and flight insurance
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medyczny, ubezpieczenia zdrowotne inizia ad imparare
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relacja, sprawozdanie, pokrycie strat inizia ad imparare
repatriacja, powrót do kraju inizia ad imparare
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stopień, rozmiar, zasięg, zakres inizia ad imparare
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podlegający potrąceniu, kwota odliczenia inizia ad imparare
Read the terms and conditions carefully, checking for the extent of the coverage, payout time, requirements, the size of your deductible, the final amount of premium, exclusions and the cancellation of the policy in case you chnge your mind or...
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ogłosić, zglosic, zadeklarowac inizia ad imparare
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wcześniej istniejące schorzenia inizia ad imparare
pre-existing medical conditions
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if you left your luggage unattended and it was stolen, insurance won’t cover its cost.
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Before you leave, make sure that your home is safe at the time of your absence.
w momencie zawarcia umowy inizia ad imparare
at the time of the conclusion of the Contract
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w momencie rozprawy w pierwszej instancji inizia ad imparare
at the time of the trial in the first instance
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Arange a house-sitter to water your plants
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złożyć zlecenie „stop” w usłudze inizia ad imparare
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wyjąć wtyczkę, wyłączyć z sieci, odłączyć coś z prądu inizia ad imparare
Unplug your home electronics
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Clear out your fridge from perishable items that might go bad while you’re away
mleczarnia, nabiał, mleczny inizia ad imparare
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have change for tips, local fare or vending machines
automat z napojami / słodyczami etc. inizia ad imparare
dyspozycyjność, dostępność inizia ad imparare
Check the availability and costs of local ATM withdrawals
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współczynnik konwersji, przelicznik inizia ad imparare
zmiana ubrania, ubranie na zmiane inizia ad imparare
Pack a change of clothes in your carry-on bag in case your main luggage gets lost or arrives late
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Check your airline’s website for any restrictions, that is to see what items are not allowed or where to pack specofic items e.g. electronics or batteries
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Fully charge your devices and bring chargers or adapters
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bring your own extension cord
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Most hotel rooms have very few electrical outlets, and not all of them are conveniently located
plan telefonu komórkowego(abonament) inizia ad imparare
wyłącz swoje dane/ transfer danych inizia ad imparare
Turn off your data before boarding the plane
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This might save you the hassle of standing in long lines later
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to easily navigate the city
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