Tourist 01

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I am not a stupid tourist.
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Non sono uno stupido turista.
I know this scam.
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Conosco questa truffa.
Go away!
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Andare via!
What part of town is not safe?
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Quale parte della città non è sicura?
I need two tickets to...
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Ho bisogno di due biglietti per...
I do not have space in my suitcase.
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Non ho spazio nella mia valigia.
Is this the train for...
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È questo il treno per...
Is this the bus for...
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È questo l'autobus per...
A hole in the wall...
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Un buco nel muro...
A place where the locals go.
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Un posto dove vanno i locali.
Are you going to...
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Hai intenzione di...
How long to
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Quanto tempo per...
One floor up.
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Un piano più in alto.
Three floors down.
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Tre piani più in basso.
Straight then left.
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Dritto poi a sinistra.
Straight then left.
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Dritto poi a sinistra.
Right, then straight 55 meters and left.
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Destra, poi dritto 55 metri e sinistra.
Go north then east 45 kilometers.
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Vai a sud e poi a est per 45 chilometri.
Go south then west 66 kilometers.
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Vai a sud e poi a ovest per 66 chilometri.
Can you speak slowly please?
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Puoi parlare lentamente per favore?
My italian is bad.
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Il mio italiano è pessimo.
Go under the bridge.
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Vai sotto il ponte.
Go over the bridge.
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Vai sul ponte.
Go through the tunnel.
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Attraversa il tunnel.
Where can I find a laundromat?
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Dove posso trovare una lavanderia a gettoni?
You are too kind.
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Sei troppo gentile.
Italian is the most beautiful language in the world.
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L'italiano è la lingua più bella del mondo.
I am from Florida.
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Vengo dalla Florida.
It iz a state in the southeast part of the U ited States.
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È uno stato nella parte sud-est degli Stati Uniti.
The climate is subtropical.
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Il clima è subtropicale.
It is very flat.
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È molto piatto.
The summers are very hot.
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Le estati sono molto calde.
It is very humid.
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È molto umido.
The winter is short and mild.
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L'inverno è breve e mite.
There is no snow.
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Non c'è neve.
There is no ice.
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Non c'è ghiaccio
We get hurricanes.
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Riceviamo uragani.
But we are used to them.
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Ma ci siamo abituati.
We have beautiful beaches.
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Abbiamo bellissime spiagge.
My village is called Cross Creek.
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Il mio villaggio si chiama Cross Creek.
cross creek
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attraversare il torrente
I have ten acres of land.
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Ho dieci acri di terra.
I live in a small house.
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Vivo in una piccola casa.
It is quiet and peaceful.
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È tranquillo e pacifico.
No one bothers me.
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Nessuno mi dà fastidio.
I do not worry about crime.
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Non mi preoccupo del crimine.

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