TOP 10 Things to do in Malta - 03.10.2022

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(be) overlooked by travelers
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not be noticed by travelers
Mediterranean island
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an island in the Mediterranean Sea
grow in popularity
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become more popular
crystal clear seas
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seas with very clean water
there’s so much more to something
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there are many more things about this place
make the most of your trip
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gain as much as you can from your trip
despite its size
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although its size is unusual
sites of historical significance
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places that are important for history
an array of buildings
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a wide selection of buildings
kick off your trip
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start your trip
fortified walls
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walls that have been made stronger to defend the city
strict vehicle restrictions
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rules concering e.g. cars that have to be respected
famed for something
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famous for something
be the filming location for something
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be the place where something was filmed
along the northern coastline of Malta
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forming a line on the north side of Malta
the most urban place
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the most city-like place
loads of restaurants
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a lot of restaurants
by far the best meal
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a meal that is definitely the best

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