Stage 11 Lesson 176 part1

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In reference to writing, what do we mean by a report?
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... a highly organized document written for a specific person or group of people, that provides information on a particular situation or event
When we write a report, who's most likely to be our target audience?
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When we write a report, our target audience will be our boss at work, or a member of another organization or committee
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Therefore, what writing style should we use?
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We should use a formal and impersonal style
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Tell me three easy ways to help create a formal and impersonal style
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... to avoid the use of contractions, use the passive voice where possible, and avoid using the pronoun I in the main paragraph
What are two common ways of starting a report?
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Two common ways of starting a report are by using a title, or by using "to", "from" and "subject" lines as in an email
Which two pieces of information do we normally put in the introduction paragraph?
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... the aim of the report, and where we got our information from
Why do we normally give each paragraph a subheading when writing a report?
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... to make it clear to the reader what each paragraph is about
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Should the main paragraphs of a report mainly state facts, or give our own personal opinions?
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The main paragraphs of a report should state facts
So where do we normally write our own opinions?
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We normally write our own opinions in the conclusion paragraph
What else do we often put in the conclusion?
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We often put recommendations in the conclusion
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Have you ever tripped over your shoelaces?
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Yes, I've tripped over my shoelaces
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zarażać, przenosić
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Can insects such as mosquitoes and flies infect people with disease?
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And are some of these infections potentially fatal?
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Yes, some...
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Who's the most influential leader your country's had in the last hundred years or so?
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The most... was...
How many layers of brick do you recon a wall two meters high consists of?
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I recon... 20 layers
at a loss
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ze stratą
at a profit
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z zyskiem
break even
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wyjść na zero
Do most businesses run at a loss for a while when they're first established before they manage to break even
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What's the opposite of at a loss?
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The opposite... at a profit
Does your mother have a specific perfume that she always wears?
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vision (eyesight)
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wzrok (wzrok)
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Do you have good vision?
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If someone can only see objects clearly when they're quite far away, are they short-sighted or long-sighted?
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When..., they're long-sighted
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średni, media
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