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(in art) a type of angel, shown as an attractive child with wings ▶ cherubin(ek) aniołek
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a game for two people that is played on a board with 64 black and white squares (chessboard). Each player has 16 pieces which can be moved according to fixed rules Can you play chess? Shall we have a game of chess (partię szachów)?
klatka piersiowa
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the top part of the front of your body She held the baby against her chest. a muscular chest ▶ pierś klatka piersiowa ⇨ look at breast 2 a large strong box that is used for storing or carrying things We packed all our books into a chest. ▶ skrzynia
kasztan, kasztanowiec
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chestnut, chestnut
a tree with large leaves that produces smooth brown nuts in shells with sharp points on the outside kasztanowiec, kasztan a smooth brown nut from the chestnut tree. You can eat some chestnuts. ▶ kasztan (owoc) 3 a deep reddish-brown colour ▶ kasztan
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a chest of drawers
a piece of furniture with drawers in it that is used for storing clothes, etc.
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to chew
1 to break up food in your mouth with your teeth before you swallow it You should chew your food thoroughly. ▶ żuć przeżuwać 2chew (on) sth to bite sth continuously with the back teeth The dog was chewing on a bone. ▶ obgryzać
guma do żucia
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chewing gum
a sweet sticky substance that you chew in your mouth but do not swallow
trudny do pogryzienia
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hard to chew
(used about food) difficult to break up with your teeth before it can be swallowed chewy (żylaste) meat chewy (ciągnące się) toffee
szykowny, elegancki
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fashionable and elegant ▶ szykowny elegancki □ chic noun [uncountable] ▶ szyk styl
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a baby bird, especially a young chicken ▶ pisklę
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Don’t count your chickens (before they’re hatched)
a bird that people often keep for its eggs and its meat free-range chickens ▶ kurczę kurczak 2 [uncountable] the meat of this bird chicken soup ▶ kurczak kurczę
tchórzyć przed czymś
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chicken out of sth
to decide not to do sth because you are afraid Mark chickened out of swimming across the river when he saw how far it was.
ospa wietrzna - ospa wietrzna
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chickenpox - chickenpox
a disease, especially of children. When you have chickenpox you feel very hot and get red spots on your skin that make you want to scratch.
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a hard round seed, like a light brown pea, that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable
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a small pale green plant with bitter leaves that can be eaten cooked or not cooked
główny, naczelny
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most important; main One of the chief reasons for his decision was money. ▶ główny 2 of the highest level or position the chief executive of a company ▶ naczelny
kierownik, wódz
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the person who has command or control over an organization the chief (komendant) of police ▶ szef kierownik dowódca naczelnik 2 the leader of a tribe African tribal chiefs ▶ wódz (plemienia)
dyrektor generalny, dyrektor naczelny
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(abbr. CEO /ˌsi: i: ˈəʊ; US /) the person in a company who has the most power and authority
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mostly His success was due chiefly to hard work. Swój sukces zawdzięczał przede wszystkim ciężkiej pracy. ▶ głównie
lekkie odmrożenie
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a painful red area on your foot, hand, etc. that is caused by cold weather ▶ (lekkie) odmrożenie (palców rąk i nóg) ⇨ look at frostbite
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a child
a young boy/girl who is not yet an adult A group of children were playing in the park. a six-year-old child ▶ dziecko She has two children but both are married and have moved away. an only child jedyna-k/czka a foster child przybrane dziecko ▶ dziecko
molestowanie dzieci, przemoc wobec dzieci
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child abuse, violence against children
the crime of harming a child in a physical, sexual or emotional way victims of child abuse ▶ znęcanie się nad dziećmi molestowanie dzieci
zasiłek na dziecko
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child benefit
(in Britian) money that the government regularly pays to parents of children up to a particular age
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the act of giving birth to a baby His wife died in childbirth (przy porodzie). ▶ poród
opieka nad dziećmi
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the job of looking after children, especially while the parents are at work Some employers provide childcare facilities (żłobek i/lub przedszkole w miejscu pracy).
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the time when you are a child Harriet had a very unhappy childhood. childhood memories wspomnienia z dzieciństwa
dziecinny, infantylny
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childish, infantile
Natomiast kiedy opisuje się zachowanie dorosłej osoby jako childish, krytuje się je, ponieważ uważa się je za niepoważne, dziecinne: Don’t be so childish! You can’t always have everything you want.
Childish czy childlike? Kiedy określa się osobę lub jej zachowanie przymiotnikiem childlike, podkreśla się pozytywne cechy dziecka: childlike innocence • His childlike enthusiasm delighted us all.
dziecinnie, infantylnie
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having no children a childless marriage
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like a child The childlike simplicity of Picasso’s paintings.
opiekunka do dzieci
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childminder /ˈtʃaɪldmaɪndə(r); US / noun [countable] (Brit.) a person whose job is to look after a child while his or her parents are at work ▶ opiekun/ka do dziecka niania
dom dziecka
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child care home, children's home
an institution where children live whose parents cannot look after them He grew up in a children’s home. ▶ dom dziecka
chłód, przeziębienie
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[sing.] an unpleasant cold feeling There’s a chill in the air. A chill of fear went down my spine. ▶ chłód dreszcz 2 [countable] (informal) a common illness that affects your nose and throat; a cold to catch a chill przeziębiać się ▶ przeziębienie
chłodzić się, relaksować
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[intransitive, transitive] to become or to make sb/sth colder It’s better to chill white wine before you serve it. ▶ chłodzić (się)
papryka chilli
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chilli peppers
(pl. chillies, US chilies) a small green or red vegetable that has a very strong hot taste chilli powder ▶ papryka chilli
mrożący krew w żyłach
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frightening a chilling ghost story
zimny, oziębły
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1 (used about the weather) too cold to be comfortable It’s a chilly morning. ▶ zimny 2 (used about people and their behaviour) not friendly They gave us a very chilly reception. ▶ oziębły
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a pipe through which smoke or steam is carried up and out through the roof of a building Smoke poured out of the factory chimneys.
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chimney sweep
a person whose job is to clean the inside of chimneys with long brushes
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a small intelligent ape which is found in Africa
podbródek, broda
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chin, chin
the part of your face below your mouth He sat listening, his chin resting on his hand. a double chin podwójny podbródek
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white clay of good quality that is used for making cups, plates, etc. a china vase ▶ porcelana porcelanowy 2 cups, plates, etc. that are made from china ▶ wyroby porcelanowe
szpara, brzęk
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a small narrow opening Daylight came in through a chink between the curtains. ▶ szpara szczelina 2 a light ringing sound ▶ brzęk
brzęczeć, pobrzękiwać
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to make a light ringing sound; to cause this sound, e.g. by knocking two pieces of china or glass together gently
wyszczerbienie, drzazga, frytki, żeton
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chip, chip, chips, chip
especially US ˌFrench ˈfry; fry /fraɪ; US / (pl. fries) a thin piece of potato that is fried in hot fat or oil Would you prefer boiled potatoes or chips? ▶ frytki a flat round piece of plastic that you use instead of money ▶ żeton
the place where a small piece of stone, glass, wood, etc. has broken off sth This dish has a chip in it. Ten talerz jest wyszczerbiony. ▶ wyszczerbienie, szczerba 2 a small piece of stone, glass, wood, etc. that has broken off sth chips of wood ▶ drzazga
mieć pretensje do całego świata
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have a chip on your shoulder (about sth) (informal)
wyszczerbiać się, wyłupywać
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2 (especially in golf and football) to hit or kick the ball so that it goes high in the air and then lands within a short distance ▶ wybijać piłkę do góry
to break a small piece off the edge or surface of sth; to break off in this way They chipped (zdrapali) the paint trying to get the table through the door. These plates chip easily. ▶ wyszczerbiać (się) odłupywać (się)
wtrącać się w coś
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chip in (informal)
chip in (with sth) (informal) 1 to join in or interrupt a conversation; to add sth to a conversation or discussion Pete and Anne chipped in with suggestions. ‘ That’s different,’ she chipped in. ▶ wtrącać się/coś (np. do rozmowy) przerywać (np. rozmowę)
dorzucać się do czegoś
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chip in sth
(also ˌchip ˈin sth) to give some money so that a group of people can buy sth together If everyone chips in, we’ll be able to buy her a really nice present. We each chipped in (with) £ 5 ▶ dorzucać się do czegoś po ileś  SYNONYM  contribute

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