skipper 7

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byc gorszym od czegos, niemogoacy zastapic czegos
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not to be a patch on something
być skłóconym z kims, w sprzecznosci
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to be at odds with sth
zdecydowanie cos jest najlepsze, bezkonkurencyjne
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to be by far (and away) + superlative
cos jest w rownym stopniu jakies
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to be every but/ just as +adjective (used when sb has made a comparison you don’t agree with)
być identycznym z kimś
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to be identical to sb
byc w czolowce, najlepszym w jakiejs kategorii
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to be in a league of one's own
nie ma wiekszej roznicy miedzy czyms
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to be much the same as
the structures ar eused then you contradict sb because you think they are exaggerating to highlight the fact that sth was/ is not what you expect(ed) it ti be or what it should be
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sb/sth was more of a + noun than a + noun/ was not so much a+ noun as a + noun
no być prawie tak samo+przymiotnik+jak
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no to be nearly as+adjective+as
być niczym + przymiotnik + jak
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to be nothing like as+adjective + as
być blisko + przymiotnik + jak
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to be nowhere near as + adjective + as
byc znacznie lepszym od czegos/kogos
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to be streets ahead of/to be head and shoulders above
być (całkowicie, całkiem) niepodobnym
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to be (totally, quite) unlike
mieć uderzające podobieństwo do sb/sth
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to bear a striking resemblance to sb/sth
nie mieć nic wspólnego (z kimś)
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to have nothing in common (with sb)
blednąć w porównaniu (do czegoś)
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to pale in comparison (to sth)
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to tell apart
istnieje świat różnic między nimi
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there is a world of difference between
myśleć / mówić / robić inaczej
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to think/say/do otherwise
różnić się w czymś
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to vary in something
polewać sosem w trakcie pieczenia
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to baste
ubijać (jajka)
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to beat eggs
doprowadzić coś do wrzenia
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to bring sth to the boil
skroic mieso
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to carve meat
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to defrost
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to grind
tak polukrowac ciasto, masa taka
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to ice
wyrabiać ciasto
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to knead
gotować (jajka)(w koszulce)
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to poach (eggs)
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a recipe
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to rinse
zeobic cos do jedzenia na szybko
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to rustle up sth
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to scrub up
przyprawić coś
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to season something
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to shell
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to sizzle
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to soak
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to sprinkle with
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to stuff
przemieszac salatke
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to toss a salad
ubijac (smitane)
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to whip
żywiciel rodziny
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a breadwinner
komplementowac, podlizywac sie
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to butter sb up (say nice things to sb because sb wants sth)
cos zupelnie odmiennego
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as different as chalk and cheese
grillować kogoś
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to grill sb
jest tu jak w piekarniku
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its like an oven in here
ktos placi grosze
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sb pays me peanuts
gotować (uczuć)
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to simmer down (of feelings)
o tym zeby z dystansem potraktowac jakas plote, historie
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to take sth with a pinch of salt

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