Sep 21 (2) Pat's word's 2021_06_23

 0    7 schede    pavelabramov
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Domanda English Risposta English
I use the term loosely
The city’s children have been found to be unable to read well and they write very poorly. I think you are using the word ‘educate’ very loosely.
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It means that your statement is thought to be inaccurate
Her glasses were broken in the kerfuffle
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Meaning of kerfuffle in English kerfuffle noun [S ] UK informal UK /kəˈfʌf.əl/ US /kɚˈfʌf.əl/ noise, excitement, and argument
kitty corner
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diagonally opposite someone or something.
internal clock
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body's "biological clock,"
His arrival caused quite a commotion. He looked up to see what all the commotion was about.
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a sudden, short period of noise, confusion, or excited movement
He wouldn't open the door
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He REFUSED to open the door
His mother tried to calm him, but he wouldn't stop crying.
two and a half years ago
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2,5 years ago

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