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Domanda English Risposta English
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(informal) a short period when you do too much of something, such as eating or drinking
zillions of ideas
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loads of
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loads of
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a clear liquid that is painted onto things, especially things made of wood, to protect them, or the hard shiny surface produced by this
a telling-off
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the act of telling someone that they have done something wrong
to diversify
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increase the range of goods or services it produces
go bust
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informal a business that goes bust cannot continue operating
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not having enough money to pay what you owe (SYN bankrupt)
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4 times bigger
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3 times bigger
in bulk
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in large amounts
by retail
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the sale of goods in shops to customers, for their own use and not for selling to anyone else
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to refuse to buy, use sth
a lightbulb moment
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breakthrough in thinking
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trying extremely hard to achieve what you want

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