S7 L107

 0    18 schede    teachertom
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generally speaking
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obecně řečeno
wash up
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I coudn't care less
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Mně to nezajímá
The teacher said "What is your name?"
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The teacher asked me what my name was.
I said "Are you busy Emily?"
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I asked Emily if (or whether) she was busy.
"How old are you?"
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You asked me how old I was.
"Do your parents speak English?"
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You asked me if (or whether) my parents spoke English.
"Can you play the piano?"
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You asked me if (or whether) I could play the piano.
"Sit down, children."
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She told the children to sit down.
"Don't walk so fast, Jack!"
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Lucy told Jack not to walk so fast.
"Stand up!"
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You told me to stand up.
"Don't look at your book."
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You ordered me not to look at my book.
"Correct your dictations!"
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You told me to correct my dictations.
I said "Will you open the window, please, Daniel?"
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I asked Daniel if he would open the window. OR I asked Daniel to open the window.
"Could you lend me your book, please?"
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You asked me if I could lend you my book. OR You asked me to lend you my book.
"Would you help me with my luggage, please?"
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You asked me if I would help you with your luggage. OR You asked me to help you with your luggage.
"Will you be quiet for a moment, please?"
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You asked me if I would be quiet for a moment. OR You asked me to be quiet for a moment.

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