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Jakie są zalety i wady?
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What are the benefits and drawbcks/pros and cons of?
Istnieją zarówno zalety, jak i wady
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There are both pros and cons/upsides and downsides of
Przede wszystkim/Po pierwsze
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First of all/Firstly
Z punktu widzenia klienta
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From (the shopper) point of view
Jedną z zalet/wad... jest fakt, że...
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One advantages/disadvantages of... is that...
Po drugie
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What is more/In addition to this/Furthermore/Moreover
Warto także rozważyć
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It's also worth considering
Na koniec
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Ostatni ale nie
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Last but no least
Z jednej strony... Z drugiej strony...
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On the one hand, on the other hand...
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Niemniej jednak
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... podczas gdy
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... whereas
To do pewnego stopnia prawda, jednak
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To a certain extent that is true but
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In conclusion/ To conclude/ To sum up

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