recycling in logistics

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Domanda English Risposta English
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the activity of treating materials or products using a special industrial process so that they can be used again
to design
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to make or draw plans for something, for example clothes or buldings
to implement
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to start using a plan or system
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complete and including everything that is necessary
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relating to the environment
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unwanted matter or material of any type, especially what is left after useful subtances or parts have been removed
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the set of necessary tools, clothing etc for a particular purpose
to teach
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to give someone knowledge or to train someone
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to go to a different place to live or work
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the things you must have for a satisfactory life
to train
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to prepare someone or yourself for a job, activity by learning skills and/or by mantal or physical exercise
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to do something regularly, often according to a custom, religion or set of rules, or as a habit
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using methods that do not harm the environment so that natural resources are still available in the future
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to hurt someone or damage something
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to sort and collect rubbish on order to treat it and produce useful materials that can be used again
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something that you must do or something you need
to manage
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to be responsible for controlling or organizing someone or something, especially a business or employees
to maintain
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to continue to have

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