Piece of Cake

 0    9 schede    Zielonooka22
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to go ape
to be angry
Mum will go ape when she finds out.
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wkurzyć się, wściekać się, wpaść w szał
to be on edge
to be nervous
Watch out, the boss is on edge!
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być podminowanym, rozdrażnionym
to keep a stiff upper lip
to be brave and stay calm
Whatever happens, we must keep a stiff upper lip.
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zachować spokój, trzymać fason
to run out of something
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skończyć się, wyczerpać się (coś komuś)
to watch out
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to be back to square one
to start all over again
After months of work we're back to square one.
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wrócić do punktu wyjścia, być w punkcie wyjścia
Penny for your thoughts!
What are you thinking about?
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O czym tak rozmyślasz?
to be over the moon
to be really excited
Ian's over the moon with his new job.
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być w siódmym niebie
to work late (hours)
Ian has to work late.
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pracować do późna

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