phrasal verbs

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Domanda English Risposta English
give up
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accept you cannot do sth and so stop trying
run out
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come to an end
go up
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increase in price
take after somebody
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look or behave like another member of your family
get over sth
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recover from illness or bad experience
give sth away
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give sth to sb without wanting money for it
make sth up
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invent sth usually a story or lie
switch sth on
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press sth to start electric power
put sth out
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make sth stop burning extinguish
get on with sb
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have a good relationship with sb
run out of sth
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finish your supply of sth
work sth out
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find an answer to sth
leave sth out
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not include sth
go on
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continue/carry on
put sth on
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begin wearing sth
get on
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make progress with sth ur doing
pick sth up
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take hold of sth and lift it to a higher place
give sth out
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give one of sth to each person in a group
put sth back
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return sth to its place
put sth back
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move sth to a later time
pick sth or sb up
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go and collect sth or sb
get through sth
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complete a task or activity
go over sth
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examine and check sth carefully

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