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figuratif Le metteur en scène a coupé la dernière scène à cause des critiques. inizia ad imparare
The director cut out the last scene after critics.
L'eau est trop froide pour plonger. inizia ad imparare
The water is too cold to dive in.
La grand-mère a refait les lacets de son petit-fils. inizia ad imparare
The grandma did up her grandson's shoelaces.
Nous avons laissé nos bagages à l'hôtel et sommes partis en visite. inizia ad imparare
We dropped our luggage off at the hotel and went sightseeing.
(en voiture) Il a couru jusqu'à la voiture et s'est éloigné. inizia ad imparare
He ran to the car and drove off.
J'aimerais passer chez ma grand-mère. inizia ad imparare
I'd like to drop by my grandmother's house.
Tu as abandonné tes études trop tôt. inizia ad imparare
You have dropped out your studies too early.
J'aimerais aller au restaurant ce soir, je n'ai pas envie de cuisiner. inizia ad imparare
I'd like to eat out tonight, I don't want to cook.
J'ai pris la mauvaise direction et finit dans un quartier inconnu. inizia ad imparare
I took the wrong direction and I ended up in an unknown district.
Je me suis disputé avec un ami. inizia ad imparare
I fell out with a friend.
Si tu remplis la candidature aujourd'hui, tu auras la réponse demain. inizia ad imparare
If you fill out the application by today you will get the answer tomorrow.
Je viens de découvrir que mon vol a été annulé. inizia ad imparare
I've just found out that my flight has been canceled.
Termine tes devoirs d'abord et tu pourras sortir. inizia ad imparare
Finish off your homework first and you can go out.
Mon père vient de réparer le téléviseur. inizia ad imparare
My father has just fixed up the TV set.
Je suis arrivé à partir avant qu'il se mette à pleuvoir. inizia ad imparare
I managed to get away before it started to rain.
J'ai prêté mon livre et ne l'ai jamais récupéré. inizia ad imparare
I lent my book and never got it back.
figuratif Il ne peut plus s'en sortir avec son salaire davantage. inizia ad imparare
He can't get by with his salary for much longer.
N'attends pas devant la porte, rentre! inizia ad imparare
Don't wait on the door, get in!
Monte dans le premier bus! inizia ad imparare
(d'un endroit) Nous sommes sortis avant que la police n'arrive. inizia ad imparare
We got out before the police arrived.
J'ai fait don de mon T-shirt préféré. inizia ad imparare
I gave away my favourite T-shirt.
Allons voir ce qu'il se passe! inizia ad imparare
Let's see what's going on!
La bombe a explosé près de l'ambassade. inizia ad imparare
The bomb went off near the embassy.
Tu ne vas jamais gagner, tu devrais abandonner. inizia ad imparare
You are never going to win, you should just give up.
J'aimerais sortir en ville ce soir. inizia ad imparare
I would like to go out in the city tonight.