Perguntar e responder a perguntas pessoais - Asking and answering personal questions

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Domanda Risposta
Eu não tenho animais.
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I don't have any pets.
Eu amo aprender novas línguas.
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I love learning new languages.
Eu normalmente saio com o meu namorado/namorada.
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I usually hang out with my boyfriend/girlfriend.
Eu estive a estudar muito.
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I've been studying a lot.
Eu sou uma estudante de línguas modernas.
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I'm a modern languages student.
Se tens alguma questão, eu irei responder na reunião.
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If you have any questions, I'll answer them at the meeting.
Tens algum animal?
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Do you have any pets?
+13 schede
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"Frases do quotidiano em inglês"
(Un totale di 515 schede)

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