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is a company which is at least half-owned by another company.
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is a large building or group of buildings where goods are made (using machinery)
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is an office where people answer questions and make sales over phone.
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is a place where faulty products are mended.
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is the main office or building of a company.
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is a building from which goods or supplies are sent to factories, shop or customer.
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is a building for storing goods in large quantities.
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is a place through which products are sold.
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means success in doing something.
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mean important new plans to achieve an aim.
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means independence or freedom to make your own decision.
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means giving people the power to do something.
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means that you work oneself as a freelance or the owner of a business instead of working for employer.
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means that you run your own business as an individual and you are self-employed.
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company employs people of different nationalities.
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people who are sufficiently motivated or ambitious to work on their own initiative without person who will tell them that them what they have to do.
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they aren’t given exact procedures on how to meet objectives. Having the freedom to govern and make decision.
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exact procedures that must be followed are imposed from above.
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it is an organizational structure with only a few levels of managements.
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is a word or phrase from one special area of knowledge that people suddenly think is important and use a lot.
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people can choose when they work, within certain limits.
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people don’t have their own desks, they get them when they are in com-pany and they need them. (rota system) (It is good for a company, it is more economical, they don’t have to spend a lot of money of special equipment)
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permanent, not temporary employees.
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is when company or organisation employs another company to do some-thing.
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pay someone outside an organisation to perform (a job)
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they are looking for multiple sources of employment simultaneously from which they derive their income. Portfolio workers mean freelancers.
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research and development, the part of a business concerns with studying new ideas and planning new products. The department in company responsible for developing new products, improving existing products. They carry out research.
Customer services department inizia ad imparare
they deal with complaints. This is assistance and ad-vice provided by a company to those people who by or use its products or service.
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HR department is the department in an organisation that deals with employing, training, and helping employees.
Sales and Marketing department inizia ad imparare
is responsible for deciding where the company should sell and what its price should be. They run advertising campaigns.
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there people operate assembly lines. It is the proves of mak-ing or growing things to be sold as products, usually in large quantities.
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is the part of an organisation that is responsible for preparing budgets and accounts. They are responsible for salary and expenses.
Administration department inizia ad imparare
they keep records, they do paperwork, they are responsi-ble for documents.
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they know regulation, draw up contracts. They prepare and create contracts and they read them.
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is responsible for detailed organisation and implementation of a complex operation.
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oversees the installation and maintenance of customer network system within a company. They install and maintain system equipment