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W parku jest drzewo.
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There is a tree in the park.
W klasie jest kilku uczniów.
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There are some students in the classroom.
W parku jest trochę ludzi.
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There are some people in the park.
W parku jest fontanna.
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There is a fountain in the park.
W parku jest ławka.
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There is a bench in the park.
Gołębie latają
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The pigeons are flying
Dziewczyna jedzie na rowerze
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The girl is riding her bike
Mężczyzna czyta
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The man is reading
Chłopcy grają teraz w piłkę nożną.
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The boys are playing football now.
Psy bawią się w fontannie
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The dogs are playing in the fountain.

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