October 20 2024

 0    21 schede    zuzaschutzmann
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Domanda Risposta
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to jest ciekawsze niż inne sporty
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this is more interesting than other sports
Lubię uprawiać ten sport
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I like to play this sports
lubię siatkówkę
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I like volleyball
Chodzę na zawody
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I go to competition
To dla zabawy
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This is for fun
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ona jest surowa
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she is strict
ona robi żarty
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she makes jokes
różne rzeczy
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different things
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we will see
wydarzenie sportowe
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sports event
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Chcę zaprosić Cię na mecz siatkówki
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I want to invite you to volleyball match
są dwa zespoły
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there are two teams
chwila relaksu
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Czy muszę coś przynieść?
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do I have to bring something
Nie jestem tym zainteresowany
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I am not interested in this
przeciwko komu?
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against who?
godzina i pół
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hour and a half
gramy półtorej godziny
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we are playing an hour and a half

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