November 18 2023

 0    14 schede    zuzaschutzmann
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Domanda Risposta
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mamy trzy godziny jazdy
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we have three hours drive
jest niemiły
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he is unkind
jest problem z parkowaniem
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there is a problem with parking
Czuję strach
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I feel sceared
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living room
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steering wheel
wracaliśmy do domu
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we were coming back home
autostrada / autostrada
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Drzwi do domu
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Doors for the house
znajdował się 4 centymetry od samochodu
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it was 4 centimeters away from car
ma dobry refleks
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he has good reflexes
Zapięłam pas bezpieczeństwa
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I put on my seatbelt
Włączam samochód
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I turn on the car

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