Neregulārie darbības vārdi 1 - Irregular verbs 1

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be - was (were) - been
Have you ever been to Paris?
Esmu šeit atnācis, lai lūgtu tavu padomu.
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come - came - come
I've come here to ask your advice.
Tas tev gan jau dārgi izmaksāja.
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cost - cost - cost
That must have cost you dearly.
Pēkšņi, mēs ieraudzījām pasakainu ainu.
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behold - beheld - beheld
Suddenly, we beheld a remarkable spectacle.
Toms kā zaglis ielīda mājā.
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creep - crept - crept
Tom crept into the house like a thief.
Mūsu ielas beigās ceļ jaunu slimnīcu.
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build - built - built
A new hospital is being built at the end of our street.
Vecā māja sadega pelnos.
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burn - burnt - burnt
The old house got burnt to ashes.
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