Frazālie darbības vārdi 2 - Phrasal verbs 2

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Viņš nekad man nestāstīja, kas notiek skolā.
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to go on
He never told me what went on at school.
Pieskaies mūsu mājaslapā, lai saņemtu vairāk informācijas.
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to log onto sth
Log onto our website to get more information.
Mums jāizkāpj nākamajā pieturā.
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to get off
We're getting off at the next stop.
uzsprāgt (bumba)
Es dzirdēju, ka pilsētas centrā ir uzsprāgusi bumba.
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to go off
arī: to blow up
I heard that a bomb has gone off in the centre of town.
Viņa norāja savus bērnus, jo viņi bija nerātni.
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to tell sb off
She told her children off for being naughty.
Tavs apraksts ir novirzījis mani no kursa.
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to put sb off
Your description has put me off a course.
Neaizmirsti izlogoties no sistēmas.
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to log off / to log out
Don't forget to log off the system.
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