as a consequence; for this reason stąd, skutkiem tego inizia ad imparare
Unlike virtual machines, containers do not have the high overhead and hence enable more efficient usage of the underlying system and resources
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zdobyć praktyczne doświadczenie z inizia ad imparare
get hands-on experience with
wyjasnić, wytłumaczyć, objaśnić inizia ad imparare
przyspieszac ruch obrotowy inizia ad imparare
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inizia ad imparare
To begin having a general sense of how to do or use something or how something operates; to become familiar with something inizia ad imparare
I'm starting to get the hang of how this computer works.
essentially similar, related, or compatible inizia ad imparare
His interests are akin to mine.
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Auto Scaling automatically starts additional instances to accommodate increasing load on your application
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We'll leave everything else to the default and forge ahead.
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without batting an eyelid so without batting an eyelid, you can click Next twice in succession
przypominać, być podobnym do inizia ad imparare
it resembles a real-world application
inizia ad imparare
It allows us to define our own networks while keeping them isolated
pracochłonny, żmudny, mozolny inizia ad imparare
Users can install it without laborious configuration
inizia ad imparare
we wanted to take a moment as we wrap up 2017 to thank you for your efforts in the market
przez wzgląd na kogoś, z jego powodu inizia ad imparare
for the sake of sb/for sb's sake I'm trying to keep life normal for the sake of my two boys. Please do it, for David's sake.
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For more information about the architecture of GitLab, or to skip straight to running Gitlab on Kubernetes, check out our Run GitLab on Kubernetes journey
także: łóżko lub ucieczka inizia ad imparare
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inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
backward and forward; also: between two places or persons tam i z powrotem inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
a person competing for a job inizia ad imparare
wzmocnić inizia ad imparare
the feeling of worry when a person gets when expected to deal with a difficult situation inizia ad imparare
playing the part of someone inizia ad imparare
Portraying Father Christmas might be a challenge too far – despite my ho ho ho!
z różnymi komendami do wykonania inizia ad imparare
with different commands to be executed
przytłaczający, przeważający, druzgocący inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
poruszyć np. kwestię, sprawę, problem inizia ad imparare
zwrócić uwagę na, pokazać, wskazać o direct someone's attention to (someone or something) by pointing inizia ad imparare
He was quick to point our mistake out
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inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
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simple and easy to understan or settled ustalony, pewny gotowy rutynowy, inizia ad imparare
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inizia ad imparare
inizia ad imparare
powiązanie, pokrewieństwo inizia ad imparare