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This video got over 200 000 views within an hour.
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wyświetlenie, odsłona
You should post this photo on your website, it's beautiful.
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umieszczać (np. coś na stronie internetowej
update my status
I probably update my status about twice a week.
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follow sb on Twitter
Over 100,000 people subscribe to his video channel and follow him on Twitter.
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Send me a friend request
Send me a friend request, and then you can see the pictures I took.
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Wyślij mi prośbę o dodanie do znajomych
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oś czasu, porządek chronologiczny
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ozanczać etykietą
My main recommendation is to...
My main recommendation is to get rid of every commercial credits.
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Moją główną rekomendacją jest...
The sooner you renegotiate sth the better
The sooner you renegotiate the terms of your morgage the better for your finance.
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Im szybciej coś renegocjujesz, tym lepiej
If i were in your position I would...
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Gdybym był na twoim miejscu, to...
your only option is to...
Your only option is to file for personal bancruptcy.
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Twoją jedyną opcją jest...
Be cautious about doing sth
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Bądź ostrożny robiąc coś

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