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When the rope broke from her bungee jump she landed in a river. (/ˈbʌndʒi dʒʌmp/)
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My flights made my carbon footprint much bigger. (/ˈkɑːbən ˈfʊtprɪnt/)
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She writes a chapter of her novel a week. (/ˈtʃæptə/)
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There was a collision between two cars but luckily no one was hurt. (/kəˈlɪʒn/)
Nasz program nauczania został zaktualizowany w odpowiedzi na obecne potrzeby edukacyjne. inizia ad imparare
The teaching of handwriting will have disappeared from the school curriculum because students will only be writing on tablets or laptops. (/kəˈrɪkjələm/)
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The decorators will have finished painting by Tuesday, so we can move back into the flat then. (/ˈdekəreɪtə/)
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Desalination is when the salt is removed from sea water. (/diːˌsælɪˈneɪʃn/)
Mam nadzieję, że ci nie przeszkadzam. inizia ad imparare
I’ll have finished in an hour if you don’t disturb me. (/dɪˈstɜːb/)
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The manufacturing cost is set to double in the next ten years. (/ˈdʌbl/)
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He drowned his cereal in milk. (/draʊn/)
Nasza firma została poważnie dotknięta przez zastój. inizia ad imparare
On television and in the newspapers, experts argued earnestly over what such extreme weather meant. (/ˈɜːnɪstli/)
Czy interesujesz się ekologią? inizia ad imparare
Ecology is the relationship between the plants, animals, and the environment in a particular area. (/iˈkɒlədʒi/)
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There is an element of addiction in this sort of behaviour. (/ˈelɪmənt/)
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My watch is engraved with my birthday. (/ɪnˈɡreɪv/)
Cały sprzęt został wymieniony. inizia ad imparare
You need a lot of equipment if you go camping. (/ɪˈkwɪpmənt/)
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People use weather-talk to facilitate social interaction. (/fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/)
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We often talk to our next-door neighbours over the fence in the garden. (/fens/)
Musisz wypełnić oba formularze. inizia ad imparare
I use a reusable water bottle which I fill with tap water. (/fɪl/)
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It is one of the cheapest available. Furthermore, it is one of the best. (/ˌfɜːðəˈmɔː/)
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The weather varies greatly across the globe. (/ɡləʊb/)
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I can guarantee that you won’t regret it. (/ˌɡærənˈtiː/)
W wielu sportach trzeba nosić kask dla ochrony głowy. inizia ad imparare
I always wear a helmet when riding my bike. (/ˈhelmɪt/)
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I won’t get in a car with him. He drives like an idiot. (/ˈɪdiət/)
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It is very important that decisions are not made in haste. (/ɪn heɪst/)
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An Indian summer only occurs ‘as a warm spell in autumn, especially in October and November’. (/ˌɪndiən ˈsʌmə/)
wzajemne relacje, interakcje inizia ad imparare
People use weather-talk to facilitate social interaction. (/ˌɪntərˈækʃn/)
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It is an intoxicating combination of high-powered engines, testosterone, and youth. (/ɪnˈtɒksɪkeɪtɪŋ/)
sam w sobie, z natury rzeczy inizia ad imparare
We talk about it a lot, but not because it is an intrinsically interesting topic. (/ɪnˈtrɪnzɪkli/)
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Many ski resorts will have closed because of a lack of winter snow. (/læk/)
Zamknąłem okno, bo robiło się tutaj zimno. inizia ad imparare
Never leave a dog locked up in a car if it’s hot. (/ˌlɒk ˈʌp/)
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They require a lot of equipment, safety measures, and well-trained and qualified instructors. (/ˈmeʒə/)
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There’s no point phoning Sonia now. She won’t be there. (/nəʊ pɔɪnt/)
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Organic fruit and vegetables haven’t been treated with pesticides. (/ɔːˈɡænɪk/)
Istnieją dwa główne rodzaje piekarników, elektryczny i gazowy. inizia ad imparare
Laura won’t have arrived before dinner so I’ll leave some food in the oven for her. (/ˈʌvn/)
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I did a parachute jump from a plane for charity. (/ˈpærəʃuːt dʒʌmp/)
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Britain has a peculiar obsession with the weather. (/pɪˈkjuːliə/)
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If you are travelling somewhere, do you normally get to the station or airport with plenty of time or at the last minute? (/ˈplenti/)
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He dreamt he was standing on the edge of a precipice. (/ˈpresəpɪs/)
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I am reluctant to talk about politics with my friends. (/rɪˈlʌktənt/)
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Many ski resorts will have closed because of a lack of winter snow. (/rɪˈzɔːt/)
Ta tancerka ma naturalne poczucie rytmu. inizia ad imparare
I can’t dance. I have no sense of rhythm. (/ˈrɪðəm/)
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It’s sensation-seeking, it’s taking risks, looking for that buzz, but ignoring the potentially fatal consequences. (/senˈseɪʃn ˈsiːkɪŋ/)
Przestań być taki poważny i uśmiechnij się! inizia ad imparare
The accident caused severe damage to his spine. (/sɪˈvɪə/)
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Earth Day is a day that invites people to think about their eco-sins. (/sɪn/)
Zainstalowaliśmy panele słoneczne na dachu. inizia ad imparare
Most people will have installed solar panels or wind turbines on their houses or blocks of flats to generate their own electricity. (/ˈsəʊlə ˈpænl/)
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The statistics show that more people die on motorbikes than in cars. (/stəˈtɪstɪk/)
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I only shop at places which stock environmentally-friendly products. (/stɒk/)
Kusiło mnie, by rzucić pracę i przeprowadzić się do Hiszpanii. inizia ad imparare
Every year, more and more people are tempted by the idea of going on an adventure sports holiday, especially during the summer months. (/tempt/)
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It is an intoxicating combination of high-powered engines, testosterone, and youth. (/tesˈtɒstərəʊn/)
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The Met Office provides the weather forecast for the UK. (/ðə met ɒfɪs/)
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A wind turbine converts wind power into energy. (/ˈtɜːbaɪn/)
Jest mało prawdopodobne, że mu się powiedzie, jeśli nie będzie się uczyć. inizia ad imparare
It’s unlikely that schools will change much in the next few years. (/ʌnˈlaɪkli/)
Czuła się uwięziona w miejskiej dżungli, więc przeniosła się na wieś. inizia ad imparare
I can’t live in rural areas. I like living in urban places. (/ˈɜːbən/)
Byliśmy zaskoczeni wiadomością o wygraniu konkursu. inizia ad imparare
I was astonished when they lost. They always win. (/əˈstɒnɪʃt/)
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I was bewildered by the range of choices. (/bɪˈwɪldəd/)
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I was delighted with my high score. (/dɪˈlaɪtɪd/)
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I was desperate to get a job. I really needed the money. (/ˈdespərət/)
Coraz więcej młodych ludzi wpada w depresję. inizia ad imparare
I was devastated when my grandad died. (/ˈdevəsteɪtɪd/)
W ogóle nie podobał mi się film i byłam rozczarowana. inizia ad imparare
I was a bit disappointed you didn’t come. (/dɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd/)
Co się stało? Wyglądasz na przybitego. inizia ad imparare
You look a bit down. What’s the problem? (/daʊn/)
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I was completely gobsmacked when I heard she was getting married! (/ˈɡɒbsmækt/)
Zawsze będę ci wdzięczny za pomoc, jakiej udzieliłeś. inizia ad imparare
I’m grateful for any help I get. (/ˈɡreɪtfl/)
Uznano go za winnego zbrodni. inizia ad imparare
I feel guilty when I eat too much. (/ˈɡɪlti/)
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When they missed that last penalty I was absolutely gutted. (/ˈɡʌtɪd/)
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I miss home so much. I’m feeling homesick. (/ˈhəʊmsɪk/)
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My mum was horrified with the mess in my room. (/ˈhɒrɪfaɪd/)
Gwiazdy rocka często są samotne i nieszczęśliwe. inizia ad imparare
I feel lonely without you here. (/ˈləʊnli/)
Jeżeli występujesz na scenie, nie możesz być nerwowy. inizia ad imparare
Exams make me nervous. (/ˈnɜːvəs/)
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I feel really offended. My cousin didn’t invite me to his wedding. (/əˈfendɪd/)
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I just don’t know what to say. I’m overwhelmed with emotion. (/əʊvəˈwelmd/)
Jestem dumny z mojego syna. inizia ad imparare
I’m so proud my daughter won the race. (/praʊd/)
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I was relieved when I finally got a job. (/rɪˈliːvd/)
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I’m scared stiff of heights. (/skeəd stɪf/)
Każdego wieczoru wraca wykończona do domu po pracowitym dniu spędzonym w biurze. inizia ad imparare
I’m absolutely shattered. I just want to sit down and put my feet up. (/ˈʃætəd/)
Byliśmy zszokowani informacją o trzęsieniu ziemi. inizia ad imparare
I was shocked by the sad news. (/ʃɒkt/)
mieć dość (słuchania czegoś) inizia ad imparare
I’m sick of hearing you complain about my food. Why don’t you learn to cook? (/sɪk əv/)
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I was stunned by the proposal. I just wasn’t expecting it. (/stʌnd/)
Jesteśmy podekscytowani wyjazdem do Australii. inizia ad imparare
I was thrilled when I heard I was going to become a grandparent. (/θrɪld/)
Porzuciłem swoje stare przyzwyczajenia. inizia ad imparare
Eventually they decided to abandon the search for the village and just hike back to Apolo. (/əˈbændən/)
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My ability to stay calm helps in my job. (/əˈbɪləti/)
Jestem całkowicie wyczerpany. inizia ad imparare
I find speaking in public absolutely terrifying. I hate doing it. (/ˈæbsəluːtli/)
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What would you do if you were hiking alone in the mountains and you got completely lost? (/əˈləʊn/)
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Of course I’ve made mistakes, but I don’t regret anything. (/ˈeniθɪŋ/)
Powinieneś ocenić całe związane z tym ryzyko. inizia ad imparare
They don’t panic and they assess the situation clearly. (/əˈses/)
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It took me five attempts to get it right. (/əˈtempt/)
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I wish people wouldn’t leave supermarket trolleys in the car park just because they can’t be bothered to take them back. (/bi ˈbɒðəd/)
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Pay attention to the flight attendant’s safety briefing. (/ˈbriːfɪŋ/)
Zakopałam mojego chomika w ogródku. inizia ad imparare
In traditional stories pirates always bury their treasure. (/ˈberi/)
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I wish my family would put DVDs back in their cases. (/keɪs/)
To było wielkie wyzwanie, któremu musieliśmy stawić czoła. inizia ad imparare
The key to survival is to divide the challenges into manageable tasks. (/ˈtʃælɪndʒ/)
Daj mi jeszcze jedną szansę. inizia ad imparare
The chance of winning the lottery is small. (/tʃɑːns/)
Wykład poświęcony jest cywilizacji Majów. inizia ad imparare
The four men set off from the town of Apolo and soon they had left civilization far behind. (/ˌsɪvəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/)
Nauczyłem się liczyć w wieku trzech lat. inizia ad imparare
Memorize where the emergency exits are and count how many rows you are away from them. (/kaʊnt/)
Jaki jest twój cel podróży? inizia ad imparare
I’d keep walking and try to find my way to my destination. (/ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn/)
Wszedł do środka i wjechał windą na siódme piętro. inizia ad imparare
Before they entered the jungle, the three friends made a promise that they would ‘go in together and come out together’. (/ˈentə/)
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Do you want me to phone and make an excuse? (/ɪkˈskjuːs/)
Nie można kłócić się z faktami. inizia ad imparare
I’m just completely bewildered by so many facts and figures. (/fækt/)
Moi rodzice mieszkają na Węgrzech i to był główny czynnik, który wpłynął na moją decyzję, by się tam przeprowadzić. inizia ad imparare
Money was an important factor in my decision. (/ˈfæktə/)
Doprowadzasz mnie do szału! Czemu nigdy nie sprzątasz swojego pokoju? inizia ad imparare
It really infuriates me when people drive too close behind me. (/ɪnˈfjʊərieɪt/)