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Domanda Risposta
Idź przez most
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Go over the bridge
Miń kościół
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Go past the church
Tam jest fabryka
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There is a factory
Gdzie jest lotnisko?
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Where is the airport?
Idę do sklepu
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I am going to the shop
Idę do spożywczaka
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I am going to the grocer’s
Jestem w kawiarni
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I am in a cafe
Idę do centrum handlowego
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I am going to the mall
Oni są w restauracji
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They are in a restaurant
Idę na pocztę
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I am going to the post office
Tam jest kino
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There is a cinema
Tam jest skrzyżowanie
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There is a crossroads
Chodzę do szkoły
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I go to school
On jest w więzieniu
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He is in jail
Idę do biblioteki
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I am going to the library
To restauracja z jedzeniem na wynos
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This is a takeaway restaurant
Doctor pracuje w szpitalu
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A doctor works in hospital
Tam jest straż pożarna
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There is a fire station
To dobra piekarnia
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It is a good bakery
Idziemy na siłownię
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We are going to the gym
Gdzie jest przystanek?
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Where is the bus stop?

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