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absent minded
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bujający w obłokach/roztrzepany
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odporny na krytyke
big headed
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zarozumiały/arrogant egoistic
level headed
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narrow minded
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ograniczony umysłowo/conservative small minded
have a chip on your shoulder
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czuc sie gorszym/ perhaps you have-!!!-about your place
set in your age
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unwilling to change habits or your opinions / you get my age you get king of-!!!-
speak your mind
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mowic co sie mysli /my uncle cant resist he speaks his mind
fiery temper
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ognisty temperament/hes an agressive player and is notorious for having a fiery temperament
generous to a fault
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hojny aż do przesady
keeps to himself
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trzymac sie na poboczu

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