May 10 (9) Zoran

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Domanda Risposta
livrer; delivrer
Ce magasin nous a livré notre machine à laver en 4 jours. Le camion qui délivre les marchandises arrive le lundi.
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The shop delivered our washing machine in four days. The lorry delivering the goods will come on Monday.
la livraison
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the delivery
une commande
Validez votre commande en cliquant ici.
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Click here to confirm your order.
un complet
Il a la collection complète des disques d'Elvis
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a suit
He has the complete collection of Elvis's records.
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to combine
Cette voiture m'appartient.
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to belong
This car belongs to me
ca ne me regarde pas
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it does not concern me
Suzanne doit être malade, elle ne semble pas en forme
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to seem
Tu ne trouves pas que Sarah ressemble à sa mère?
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to look like
Don't you think Sarah looks like her mother?
Philippe paraissait fatigué ce matin.
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Philip looked tired this morning
Soudain (tout a' coup), il a apparu devant moi.
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Suddenly (all of a sudden) he appeared in front of me.
et avec ça?
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and what else?

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