Market research

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Domanda Risposta
ankiety online
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online surveys
Today is very common to use online surveys.
grupa fokusowa
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focus group
zadowolenie / satysfakcja klientów
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customer satisfaction
badania pierwotne
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primary research
pogłębione wywiady
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in-depth interviews
badania wtórne/badanie zza biurka
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secondary research/desk research
wypuścić nowy produkt
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launch a new product
grupa docelowa
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target audience
wielkość próbki
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sample size
wskaźnik, mierzyć, szacować
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zbierać, gromadzić
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wykonalny, zdolny do użycia
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tester produktu
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product tester
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analiza danych
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data analysis
Co myślisz o...
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What do you think about?
Czy rozważałeś?
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Have you considered?
Czy byłbyś zainteresowany?
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Woud you be interesrted in?
A co powiesz na coś?
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How about something?
Jakie są twoje myśli na temat?
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What are your thoughts on?
Jakie masz odczucia?
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How would you feel about?
niedawna ankieta wśród klientów
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recent customer survey
większość respondentów
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the majority of respondents
% respondentów
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% of the respondents
żaden z respondentów
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none of the respondents
nieco ponad pół / ćwierć
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just over half / a quarter
byli co do tego zgodni
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were in agreement that
wyraziło co do tego obawy
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raised concerns that
wierzył w to
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belived that
potwierdził, że
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confirmed that
wskazał to
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indicated that
wykazał, że
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demonstrated that
został uszkodzony
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has been dameged
przyznał to
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admitted that
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postępowanie, zachowanie
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zabity przez dobroć
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killed by kindness
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cautionary tale
być najlepszym
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cut the mustard
podjąć trudną decyzję
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make hard calls

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