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wander around, wind around careless They ___ through the park thoightlessly
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foolish, without a reason, silly He made an ___ grimace and groaned
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complain, nag, grumble, be nasty Teo always ___ at mornings, he isn't an early bird
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feeling down, ashamed, stressed, tamed All students were ___ at Umbrige's lessons
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difficult to please, capricious, spoiled child Snape was extremely ___ when it came to potions
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being truth, real, with proof His words are ___ you just have to wait
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slightly, barely noticeable, minimum He blanched ___ at his cruel words
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frown, be annoyed ad unhappy
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chemical molecule that consists from atoms
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mistification, fake, faux, fraud
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a gardening tool used to sweep leaves with long handle and thin lines
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something that dissolves compounds
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speed in a given direction
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an effigy in the shape of man to frighten birds away There was a cute ___ on the field with pumpkins scattered around it
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a long narrow chain of hills/mountains Sun shone on a ___ blinding travelers
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wandering, moving from place to place ___ tribe was to move again - to the east
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when piece of a clothing rub# your bodypart in an unpleasant way New boots ___ obnoxiously