Lesson 58 - 30.05.2018

 0    16 schede    justynajaszczyk
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Domanda Risposta
in the top left-/ right-hand corner
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w lewym górnym / prawym górnym rogu
in the bottim left-/ right-hand corner
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w dolnym lewym / dolnym prawym rogu
in the foreground
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na pierwszym planie
in the background
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w tle
towards the back
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do tyłu
at the very back
inizia ad imparare
na samym końcu
on either side
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z każdej strony
on both sides
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po obu stronach
from one side to the other
inizia ad imparare
z jednej strony na drugą
the on the left / right
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ten po lewej / prawej stronie
leading up to
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prowadzące do
right at the top / bottom
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bezpośrednio u góry / u dołu
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I can't quite make it out.
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Nie mogę tego zrozumieć.
I'm not sure what it is.
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Nie jestem pewien co to jest.
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