Lesson 17 words

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Domanda Risposta
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przyczynić się
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Contribute to sth
dożywotnia gwarancja
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lifetime guarantee
odpowiedzialny za
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responsible for
jestem świadomy tego
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I'm aware of it
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nie wahać się
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don't hesitate
czas wolny
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time off
pewny, pewien, niezbity
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Dermy są na biurku
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there are dermas on the desk
Czy dermy są na biurku
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Are there dermas on the desk?
Nie ma derm na biurku
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There are no dermas on the desk
Derma jest na biurku
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There is derma on the desk
Czy derma jest na biruku?
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Is thera derma on the desk?
Nie ma dermy na biurku
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There is no derma on the desk
Derma była na biurku
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There was derma on the desk
Czy derma była na biruku
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Was there derma on the desk?
Nie było dermy na biruku
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There was no derma on the desk
Dermy były na biurku
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there were dermas on the desk
Czy były dermy na biurku?
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Were there dermas on the desk?
Nie było derm na biurku
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There were no dermas on the desk
Derma będzie na biurku
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There will be derma on the desk
Czy derma będzie na biurku
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Will there be derma on the desk?
Nie będzie dermy na biruku
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There will be no derma on the desk

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