Les phrases françaises

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It's been a long time
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Ça fait longtemps
There are a lot of them!
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Il y en a beaucoup!
There were some...
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Il y a en avait...
There will be someone
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Il y aura quelqu'un
There are no more
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Il n'y en a plus
It doesn't matter.
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Ça ne fait rien.
There are never
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Il n'y a jamais
Not yet.
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Pas encore.
Not at all.
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Pas du tout.
Here you are.
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If necessary
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Si nécessaire
I'm leaving
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Je m'en vais
Don't go!
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N'y allez pas!
One would say that
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On dirait que
She is visiting me
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Elle me rend visite
How do you say...?
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Comment dit-on...?
That's it!
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C'est ça!
As soon as possible
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Dès que possible
Never again!
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Plus jamais!
Nothing at all.
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Rien du tout.
There is only
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Il n'y a que
Seems like
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Avoir l'air de
You are in shape?
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Tu es en forme?
I am almost always late
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Je suis presque toujours en retard
Across from
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En face de
What's new?
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Quoi de neuf?
We'll see.
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Nous verrons.
It is necessary
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Il faut
I've had enough!
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J'en ai marre!
I can't do anymore
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Je ne peux plus faire
Am I bothering you?
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Est-ce que je vous dérange?
I am asking you
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je te demande
One of these days
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Un de ces jours
You really should...
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Vous devriez vraiment...
I don't know what to do.
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Je ne sais pas quoi faire.
Don’t bother me.
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Ne me dérange pas.
One of the best
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Un des meilleurs
Is there anybody here?
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Y a personne?
I love you with all of my heart
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Je t'aime de tout mon coeur
It looks bad.
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Ça l'air mal.
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What does it mean?
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Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire?
On top of
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Au dessus de
At the corner of
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Au coin de
I'll take it.
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Je vais le prendre.
Until that
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Jusqu'à ce que
May I see it?
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Puis-je le voir?
I'm full.
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Je suis plein.
That is to say...
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I have no idea!
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Je n'ai aucune idée!
I didn't do anything
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Je n'ai rien fait
Until next time!
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À la prochaine fois!
I know what you mean.
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Je vois ce que tu veux dire.
Who is it?
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There is nothing
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Il n'y a rien
One of them
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L'un d'eux
Both of them
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Les deux
That's okay with me.
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Ça me va.
I'm not that interested.
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Ça ne m'intéresse pas.
You're welcome
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Il n'y a pas de quoi
Once upon a time...
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Il était une fois...
Once upon a time...
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Il était une fois...
I need a break!
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J'ai besoin d'une pause!
The best things in life
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Les meilleures choses de la vie
I have one
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j'en ai un
It's not us
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Ce n'est pas nous
I give it to her
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Je le lui donne
Need to know
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Dois savoir
I don't have the time
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Je n'ai pas le temps
I feel good.
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Je me sens bien.
Anything else?
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Rien d'autre?
Neither do I.
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Moi non plus.
I don't agree.
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Je ne suis pas d'accord.
What happened?
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Qu'est-il arrivé?
Where there's a will, there's a way.
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Quand on veut, on peut.
I can't believe it!
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J'en reviens pas!
There's nobody left
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Il n'y a plus personne
What's going on?
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Que se passe-t-il?
I'm in a hurry.
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Je suis pressé.
All is well that ends well.
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Tout est bien qui finit bien.
Not at all!
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Pas du tout!
One more time
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Encore une fois
I agree.
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Je suis d'accord.
I'm not sure.
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Je ne suis pas sûr.
I don't mind.
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Ça ne me dérange pas.
To be comfortable with
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Être à l'aise avec
A happy ending
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Une fin heureuse
They say that
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Ils disent ça
Above my head
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Au dessus de ma tête
I did that one time.
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Je l'ai fait une fois.
Have you ever been there?
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As-tu déjà été ici?
You have to try this.
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Vous devez essayer ça.
What is this used for?
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À quoi cela sert-il?
I have one
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j'en ai un
There isn't a single thing that I like
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Il n'y a pas une seule chose que j'aime
Its not far from here
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Ce n'est pas loin d'ici
I don't like either
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Je n'aime pas non plus
I don't like any of these
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Je n'aime rien de tout ça
I don't like either of these
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Je n'aime ni l'un ni l'autre
I myself don't know how to do it
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Moi je ne sais pas comment faire
I'll take it
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je vais le prendre
I know what's going on
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Je sais ce qui se passe
How hard
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Que c'est dur
Me neither.
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Moi non plus.
anything else?
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rien d'autre?
There's only of them
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Il n'y en a que d'eux
Both of them, together
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Tous les deux, ensemble
spend money
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dépenser de l'argent
Makes me sick
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Me rend malade
Can we talk use "tu?"
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On peut se tutoyer?
Where is the nearest
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Ou est le plus proche
Happily ever after
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Heureux pour toujours
Soak up the sun
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Prendre un bain de soleil
Love at first sight
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Le coup de foudre
At the same time
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À la fois
I did it that one time!
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Je l'ai fait une fois!
What does he have?
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You said it yourself
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Tu l'as dit toi-même
He already has a lot
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Il en a déjà plein
How long does ... last?
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Combien de temps ... dure?
What is this thing used for?
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A quoi sert cette chose?
I'm staying there
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Je reste là/J'y reste
Do something for myself
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Fais quelque chose pour moi
We can take
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On peut prendre
the day before yesterday
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the day after tomorrow
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après demain
He is bigger than him
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Il est plus grand que lui
It is taller than that one
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Il est plus grand que celui-là
She is nicer than her
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Elle est plus gentille qu'elle
That is better
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C'est mieux
This is the biggest thing here
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C'est la chose la plus importante
I would rather not
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je ne préférerai pas
This isn't the right time
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Ce n'est pas le bon moment
I can because I think I can
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Je peux parce que je pense que je peux
That's good enough
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Il est assez bien
Who did you go with?
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Avec qui tu y es allé?
He didn't remember
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Il ne se souvenait pas
She knows that he knows that I know
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Elle sait qu'il sait que je sais
We want what we want.
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Nous voulons ce que nous voulons.
We didn't go there enough
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Nous n'y sommes pas allés assez
It will never be
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Ça ne sera jamais
What will be will be
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Ce qui sera sera
Life is beautiful.
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La vie est belle.
Was there ever a right time?
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Y a-t-il déjà eu un bon moment?
How did you do it?
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Comment avez-vous fait?
How was the atmosphere?
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Comment était l'ambiance?
I'm not sure I have it?
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Je ne suis pas sûr de l'avoir?
You must be patient
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Tu dois être patient
We should see
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On devrait voir
We should think about it.
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Il faudrait que nous y pensions.
What do you mean?
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Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire?
Give me an example.
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Donne-moi un exemple.
Can you write it down?
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Pouvez-vous l'écrire?
What is the difference between A and B?
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Quelle est la différence entre A et B?
Is that better?
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Ça va mieux?
More money, more problems
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Plus d'argent, plus de problèmes
Across the street and behind there
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De l'autre côté de la rue et derrière là
On top of that
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En plus de cela
Just over there
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Juste là-bas
There's no need for that
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Il n'y a pas besoin de ça
In front of and just over there
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Devant et juste là-bas
Above the others
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Au dessus des autres
Bigger is better
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Plus c'est gros, mieux c'est
He didnt actually say anything important
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Il n'a rien dit d'important
In addition to that
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En plus de ça
Do the right thing!
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Faire la bonne chose!
You know that I know him
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Tu sais que je le connais
Be better off without
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Être mieux sans
We don't know where it is
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On ne sait pas où c'est
He knows me really well.
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Il me connaît très bien.
You should go there
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Tu devrais y aller
We shouldn't do this.
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On ne devrait pas faire ça.
How many do we need?
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Combien avons-nous besoin?
You don't want any
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Tu n'en veux pas
She has plenty of them
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Elle en a plein
It's not the same thing
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Ce n'est pas la même chose
You'll find it there
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Tu le trouveras là-bas
You're going to want it
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Tu vas le vouloir
Good night and sweet dreams.
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Bonne nuit et fait de beaux rêves.
The first time there
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La première fois là-bas
Follow me!
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I miss you so much!
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Tu me manques tellement!
When I was younger.
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Quand j'étais plus jeune.
I had no idea!
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Je n'en avais aucune idée!
Nobody was ever here.
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Personne n'était jamais là.
The best part about...
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La meilleure partie de...
The worst thing
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La pire chose
The only thing
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La seule chose
Stay here and wait for him.
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Restez ici et attendez-le.
Can you hear me?
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Peux-tu m'entendre?
Can you see me?
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Peux tu me voir?
It is what it is
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C'est ce que c'est
Let me show you?
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Laisse moi te montrer?
What do you do?
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Qu'est-ce que tu fais dans la vie?
Give me an example.
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Donne-moi un exemple.
The other side
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L'autre côté
This one is yours.
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Celui-ci est à toi.
Not far and near here
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Pas loin et près d'ici
It isn't near anything
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Ce n'est près de rien
Nobody knows anymore.
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Personne ne sait plus.
Does anybody know anybody here?
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Est-ce que quelqu'un connaît quelqu'un ici?
Are you hungry? Have you eaten?
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Tu as faim? As-tu mangé?
You're going to have to say it.
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Tu vas devoir le dire.
Straight ahead and on the other side of it
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Tout droit et de l'autre côté
Just kidding!
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Je rigole!
It can be difficult
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Ça peut être difficile
Until then
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Jusque là
Through and through
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True love never ends.
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Le vrai amour ne se termine jamais.
At least
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Au moins
At last
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Not as expensive as
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Pas aussi cher que
hardly ever
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presque jamais
Not just a pretty face
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Pas seulement un joli visage
If I never
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Si je n'ai jamais
Myself, yourself, themselves
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Moi-même, vous-même, eux-mêmes
Honesty is the best policy.
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L'honnêteté est la meilleure politique.
Some of the most common
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Certains des plus courants
Most of the time
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Le plus souvent
Most of the...
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La plupart...
Some of the most
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Certains des plus
I don't believe that he's there
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Je ne crois pas qu'il soit là
... that is used for
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... qui est utilisé pour/... qui sert à
To have class
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Avoir de la classe
at the same time
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au même moment
It doesn't matter.
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Ça ne fait rien.
Most of...
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La plupart de...
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Take care of yourself
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Prenez soin de vous
I haven't seen him/her
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Je ne l'ai pas vu
I was thinking about doing that
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Je pensais faire ça
at last
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It is about
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C'est à propos de
Less is best
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Moins c'est mieux
Did you see it?
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L'as-tu vu?
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bien que
You can do it!
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Tu peux le faire!
Let me explain.
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Laissez-moi expliquer.
Let me help you.
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Laissez-moi vous aider.
My opinion is that...
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Mon opinion est que...
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Quelque peu
What is your name?
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Quel est votre nom?
Where are you from?
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D'ou viens-tu?
You'll be able to get
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Vous pourrez avoir

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