lekcja zdania 98

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czy lubisz chodzic do pracy?
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do you like going to work
kiedy ostatnio kupiłeś buty sportowe
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when was the last time you bought your sports shoes
co oni robia na ulicy?
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what are they doing in the street?
czy oni lubią rysować?
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do they like to draw?
kiedy poznałaś tych ludzi?
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when did you meet these people
jak upiec tort czekoladowy?
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how to bake a chocolate cake?
Jego pies nie szczeka
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His dog is not barking
Kto jest najstarszy w twojej rodzinie?
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Who is the oldest in your family?
Kiedy ostatnio zaspaleś do pracy
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When was the last time you oversleep for work
W jakim kolorze jest jej łazienka?
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What color is her bathroom?
zaproszenie do
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invitation for
zapraszam cie do mnie
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I invite you to me

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