lekcja 6

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straszliwe, pilne
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It is a dire task, so I have to do it first.
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starszliwy brak
the dire shortage of volunteer
polega na
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relies on
The success of this project relies on everyone making an effort.
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if the problem doesn’t abate, there’s a lot of stake
dużo w grę
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a lot at stake
brać coś za pewnik
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take sth for granted
I suppose I just took it for granded that they were married.
nieszczelny kran
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leaky faucet
powaga, dotkliwosc
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severity of
Even the doctors were shocked by the severity of his injuries.
żądania, wymagania
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objąć kogoś
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embrace sb
na bok
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I'll put it aside for a moment.
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to contain
wyruszyć / wyjechać
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set off/out
Ona wyjechala W Sb
She set off last Sunday.
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take off
The flight took off on time
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touch down
The airplain touched down half an hour early

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