kultura 2 szkolne i rejonowe

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Domanda English Risposta English
European Day of Languages is celebrated on...
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September 26th
Curling, one of the oldest team sports, comes from...
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the 4th wife of Henry VIII was...
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Anne of Cleves
the 1st wife of Henry VIII was
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Catherine of Aragon
the 2nd wife of Henry VIII was...
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Anne Boleyn (ścięta - beheaded)
the 3rd wife of Henry VIII was...
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Jane Seymour
th 5th wife of Henry VIII was...
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Catherine Howard (ścięta)
the 6th wife of Henry VIII was...
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Catherine Parr
There are ........ stars in the flag of the USA
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Who is the first in line to the throne of the UK?
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Prince William (syn Karola III obecnego króla)
"The Emerald Isle" is the name for...
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........ is the prime minister in Canada
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Jason Trudeau
Nicknames fro the flag of the United states of America
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Old Glory
the Stars and Stripes
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American flag
the Red, White and Blue
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American flag
the flag of Scotland is called...
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the Saltire
the flag of Wales is called...
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the red dragon
the flag of England has...
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St. George's Cross
The national emblem of Wales
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the leek (and the daffodill - national flower)
The symbol of England
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a rose
a symbol of Scotland
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a thistle
Halloween takes place in...
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This state is not part of the continental US.
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........ is the Scottish New Year's Eve.
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A traditional Thanksgiving dinner consists of........
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roast turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce
The ........ is a well-known symbol of the Democratic Party in the US
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The Millennium Wheel, or ........ is a popular tourist attraction in London.
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the London Eye
Wuthering Heights was written by ........
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Emily Bronte
What is used to measure length?
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mile, foot, inch
What does ounce measure?
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The Statue of Liberty, located on an island in Upper New York Bay, was a gift from the people of...
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list no 10 winter 21 pol ang.

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