Kasia 6th Oct (45 min)

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kod kreskowy
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a bar code
Kiedyś mieszkałam w Niemczech.
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I used to live in Germany.
Jestem przyzwyczajona do wstawania o szóstej.
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I'm used to getting up at 6.
Przyzwyczaisz się do mieszkania w dużym mieście.
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You'll get used to living in a big city.
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a request
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/ˈestrədʒən/ AmE
/ˈiːstrədʒən/ BrE
według przepisów, zgodnie z zasadami
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by the book
She always does everything by the book.
zdezorientowany, zmieszany
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You look very puzzled about something.
brak zmartwień, święty spokój
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peace of mind
He began to insist upon a bullet-proof limousine, just for peace of mind.
For my peace of mind, please check that the door is locked.
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an endocrinologist
rozbój w biały dzień
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daylight robbery
£6 for an orange juice? That's just daylight robbery!
doprowadzający do szału, irytujący
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She has a maddening habit of interrupting me when I'm talking to her.
prekursor / pierwowzór
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a precursor
His invention was the precursor of the modern car.

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