kartkowka 30.05

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Domanda American English Risposta American English
to pound
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to beat very loud, fast
to glow
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to shine (about soft light)
to rustle
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sound of e. g leaves
a duvet/ a quilt
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we put it on our body to go to sleep
to do sth stealthily
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secretly/ silently
a cramped bedroom
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very small
to abduct sb
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to kidnap sb
an abductor
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a kidnapper
to quell (a sob, a giggle)
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put an end to sth by force
a leaflet/ a flayer
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a piece of paper with advertisment
a mugger
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sb who robs on the street
a heard (of elephants)
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a large group of animals living together
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slightly broken
a radiator
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it heats the room
the blinds
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we cover the windows with them
to feel nauseous
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to feel sick
to thwart sb’s plan, ambitions
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prevent sb from being succesful
to look/ be amiss
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sth is wrong and not the way it should be
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unsafe/ unstable
to topple
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to fall down/ take power away from sb

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