Karolina 5th Dec

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na oko (bez zastanowienia, bez przygotowania)
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off the top of your head
"What's the capital of Mauritania?" "I don't know off the top of my head, but I could go and look it up."
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szczypta soli
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a pinch of salt
szef kuchni
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a chef
ona mówi...
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she SAYS...
On zrobił to ciasto.
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He MADE this cake.
pokryć coś czymś
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to cover sth with sth
bita śmietana
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whipped cream
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refrigerator / fridge
następnego dnia
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the next day
kilka dni temu
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the other day
The other day I went to the gym with my friends.
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a café
dyrektor generalny
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USA oznacza...
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USA stands for United Stated of America
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a cook
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a cooker
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an oven
wyciągać coś z czegoś
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to take sth out of sth
Wyjmij ciasto z piekarnika.
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Take the cake out of the oven.
piec (np. mięso / warzywa)
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to roast
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a sandwich
kocham kogoś bezgranicznie
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love sb to the moon and back
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przystępny cenowo
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W tej chwili nie stać mnie na zakup nowego samochodu.
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I can't afford TO buy a new car at the moment.
na wakacjach
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on holiday

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