John Stevens

 0    11 schede    CrossHUNter
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How was the trip?
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Milyen volt az utazás?
Did you have a good flight?
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Jól utazott?
Everything was fine.
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Minden rendben volt.
There was a problem with solder machine.
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Probléma volt a forrasztó géppel.
That would be great.
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Az nagyszerű lenne.
This way, it's not far.
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Erre, nincs messze.
We'll take a taxi.
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Taxival megyünk.
We have to take a train.
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Vonattal kell mennünk.
We have to take a bus.
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Busszal kell mennünk.
It's about 5 minutes.
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Körülbelül 5 perc.
I'm parked in the car park.
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A parkolóban állok.

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