Indirect Speech

 0    19 schede    marcinglazer8
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Domanda Risposta
Powiedz lub powiedz
say sth tell somebady
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Say or tell
pomiędzy tell a obiektem nie dodajemy "to"
I said / I told you / I said to him
reporting verbs
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suggest + - ing
she suggested going to the Beach
reporting verbs
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offer + infinitive
she offered to give me a lift
reporting verbs
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remind + obj + infinitive
she remind me to call my mother
requesty + ask + obj + bezokolicznik
requests are reported with ask and the infinitive
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requests + ask + obj + infinitive
he asked her to help him
please help me
polecenia + powiedz + bezokolicznik
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commands + tell + infinitive
he told me to go away
go away!
raportowanie pytań + jeśli
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reporting questions + if
he asked me if i liked 🍕
do you like 🍕
to -> ten, to
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this - > the, that
tutaj -> tam
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here - > there
temu -> przed
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ago - > befor
teraz -> wtedy
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now - > then
te -> te
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these - > those
dzisiaj -> tamten dzień
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today - > that day
jutro -> następnego dnia, następnego dnia
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tomorrow - > the next day, the following day
dziś wieczorem -> tamta noc
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tonight - > that night
wczoraj -> dzień wcześniej
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yesterday - > the day before
ostatni tydzień -> tydzień wcześniej
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last week - > the week before
w następnym tygodniu ->
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the next week - > the following week
zmiana czasu następuje zwykle po czasowniku informującym o czasie przeszłym
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tense change are usually after a past tense reporting verb

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