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is drawing to a close
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zbliża się ku końcowi
to make something come to an end. It is time we drew this evening to a close. Ann drew the meeting to a close with a few words of encouragement
call the shots
we believe in parents and teachers calling the shots"
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przejąć inicjatywę
take the initiative in deciding how something should be done. "
how IT differes front the competition
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czym różni się od konkurencji
substantial support
The broaden-and-build theory has substantial support
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znaczące wsparcie
amusement and contentment, negative emotions such as fear and
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Fredrickson has conducted randomized controlled lab studies in which participants are randomly assigned to watch films that induce positive emotions such as amusement and contentment, negative emotions such as fear and sadness, or no emotions.
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heightened level of emotion
Compared to people in the other conditions, participants who experience positive emotions show heightened levels of creativity, inventiveness, and "big picture" perceptual focus
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podwyższony poziom emocji
psychological resilience
Longitudinal intervention studies show that positive emotions play a role in the development of long-term resources such as psychological resilience and flourishing.
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odporność psychiczna
flourishing career
developing rapidly and successfully; thriving. "a flourishing career"
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kwitnąca kariera
thriving and expanding
Not only are positive emotions a sign of flourishing, or thriving and expanding in life rather than simply surviving life, they can also help create flourishing in the present and in the future
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prosperuje i rozwija się
one's thought-action
Because positive emotions positively broaden and build one's thought-action repertoires they lead to increased resources and more satisfied lives.[5]
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czyjeś myśl-działanie
one's thought-action repertoires
Because positive emotions positively broaden and build one's thought-action repertoires they lead to increased resources and more satisfied lives.[5]
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repertuar myśli i działań
getting clarity around
What did I do Today to help myself getting clarity around initiative I was uncertain about
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uzyskanie przejrzystości
Expand my feel of influence
what did i do Today to expend my feel of influence
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poszerzenie mojego poczucia wplywu
Blanka state
like tabula rasa
cultural Blank state
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stan kulturowej pustki
Significant values emerged
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wylonily się znaczące wartości
intangible assets.
When in doubt, we base our decisions on these important yet intangible assets.
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wartości niematerialne i prawne.
W razie wątpliwości opieramy nasze decyzje na tych ważnych, ale niematerialnych wartościach.
cutting edge
Why? Because they steer us in the right direction - towards self-improvement and becoming the cutting edge standard of software development.
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ostatnie, najbardziej zaawansowane stadium
appeared on the horizon
Communication standards and collaboration practices appeared on the horizon.
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pojawił się na horyzoncie
już wkrótce się wydarzy, zostanie zrobiome
explicit vision
This is what makes up the entire Netguru atmosphere, with the combination of our explicit vision and core values serving as a cornerstone
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wyraźna wizja
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kamień węgielny
tangible experiences
The birth of the Netguru Culture Book - for better understanding, more tangible experiences, and pure inspiration
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namacalne doświadczenia
facilitate the onboarding process for newcomers,
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facilitate the onboarding process for newcomers,
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let's recap
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drawn to her
that's why was drawn to her
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ciągnął do niej
dlatego mnie do niej ciągnęło /lubilam
to get on a pill
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zażywać pigułkę
być na tabletkach
everyone's on it
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wszyscy w tym sa
its practocally a prerequisite for high school
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warunek wstępny
to praktycznie wymóg w liceum
jumping all over sb
can i say something without you jumping on me
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naskakiwać na kogos
czy mogę coś powiedzieć nie będąc
a break from the everyday grind
The difference between the two is that while vacations do allow for a break from the everyday grind, retreats are intentional times off for self reflections and inner inquiry
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oderwanie się od codzienności
inner inquiry
The difference between the two is that while vacations do allow for a break from the everyday grind, retreats are intentional times off for self reflections and inner inquiry
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wewnętrzne śledztwo lub refleksja nad soba
soothing and reflective activities
Often a retreat is structured with soothing and reflective activities, such as a yoga retreat or workshops.
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kojące i refleksyjne działania/czynności/aktwnosci
Często odosobnienie jest zorganizowane poprzez uspokajające i refleksyjne zajęcia, takie jak rekolekcje jogi lub warsztaty.
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istotny / trafny
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w ciągu
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numer gazety
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odpowiedni / odpowiednia
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mimo że / chociaż
future endeavours
i wish you the best success im your future endeavours
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Przyszłych przedsięwzięć
I wasnt sure i had 30 friends altogether. Altogether means ‘completely’ or ‘in total’: In 1997 the sales tax was lowered to 4%, then in 2001 it was abolished altogether
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all together
put your clothes all together
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wszyscy razem
much more of an effort
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dużo więcej wysiłku
so far
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jak dotąd
over the last fortnight
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przez ostatnie dwa tygodnie
until then
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my kids have gone out
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moje dzieci wyszły
set out
society sets out a timeline of your
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fade away
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zanikać zgasnąć
safe to address the elephant in the room
They can create an environment where people are safe to engage, safe to address the elephant in the room and safe to put their whole selves into their work
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bezpieczne, aby zwrócić się do słonia w pokoju
at least some of them uncomfortable and is personally, socially, or politically embarrassing, controversial, inflammatory, or dangerous.[3][4]
an important or enormous topic, question, or controversial issue that is obvious or that everyone knows about but no one mentions or wants to discuss because it makes
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On the contrary
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wręcz przeciwnie

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