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mowiac krotko
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in a nutshell
miec łeb na karku, kumac
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to be on the ball
dostepne dla kogos, byc do wziecia np kawalek ciasta dostepne
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up for grabs np. This last piece of cake is up for grabs
diabel tkwi w szczegolach
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the devil is in the details
pojsc na skroty, robic cos minimalnym wysilkiem, ciac koszty
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cut corners If we don t cut corners we will go bankrut
bardzo tanio
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for a song. We sell our clothes for a song
pod znakiem zapytania, w niepewności
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up in the air, in the balance, The decision to implement the system is still up in the air as the management is debating over its pros and cons
ostrzec przed kłopotami
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raise a red flag
być niewypłacalnym, być na minusie
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to be in the red
zaskoczyc kogos
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blow sb away, The teacher was blown away by the poems written by his students.
isc w czyjesc slady
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follow in somebodys footsteps, To m followed in his father's footsteps
zmobilizować kogos
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light a fire under somebody
bulka z maslem (takie proste)
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a piece of cake, This will be a piece of cake for you.
czuc sie zle
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feel under the weather
trafic w sedno
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to hit the nail on the head, He is a smart debugger. Every time you take a broken code to him, he will hit the nail on the head and tell you the exact problem Source:
dolewac oliwy do ognia
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add insult to injury, First, they lost the match, and then, to add insult to injury, one of players was suspended for cheating
trzymac cos w tajemnicy
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keep sth under one's hat, She tried to keep it under her hat
zdążyć, zrobić coś na czas
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make it to sth, I have made it for the second bus.
zacisnąć zęby
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bite the bullet, When the time comes, I’ll bite the bullet and take my punishment without a grumble
upiec dwie pieczenie przy jednym ogniu
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The best of both worlds, “If you decide to live here you get the greenery of the countryside and the amenities of urban life. Its the best of both worlds, really
nie chwal dnia przed zachodem słonca
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don't count your chickens before they hatch
bezpardonowa walka, kazdy chce sukcesu kosztem innych krzywd
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dog eat dog, The TV business today is dog eat dog business
osiagnac wielki sukces
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hit a home run
przejść do rzeczy, przejść do sedna
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cut the chase
wchodzić w to, decydować się
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be on board
mieć ochotę coś zrobić
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care to do sth, Care you explain your little theatrics tonight?
stanac na nogi, wyzdrowiec
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be up and about, I'm finally up and about
namyslic sie
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make up one's mind, I'm going to give you five minutes to make up your mind
mrążący krew w żyłach
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make one's blood run cold, It made my blood run cold
coś wartego przemyślenia, coś zmuszającego do refleksji
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food for thought
zgodnie z czymś
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in line with, according to sth, Annual pay increases will be in line with inflation.
odpowiadać czemuś, być zgodnym z czymś
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be in line with
czas ucieka
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the sands of time are running out
robić wszystko, na co kogoś stać; starać się z całych sił; robić, co w czyjejś mocy
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do one's best, I don't want to let you down - I'll do my best, lub, He did his best but he didn't win the race.
zabrać się do roboty
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get to work, e now have to get to work, as it is important that the Commission is coordinated.
pozjadać wszystkie rozumy
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have all the answers
obrażać się
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take offense, huff (czyt. haf), She huffed when I asked her not to go with me.
brzmieć nieszczerze
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ring hollow, Assurances that things have changed ring hollow in many ears.
zmienić zdanie
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change one's mind, I haven't changed my mind.
Wszystko mi jedno.; Nie zależy mi.; Nie obchodzi mnie to.; Mam to gdzieś.
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I don't care
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chill out, cut loose
cud techniki
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marvel of technology, feat of technology
mój przyjaciel, jeden z moich przyjaciół
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friend of mine
drażnoc kogos, prowokowac kogos, wkurzac kogos
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rattle somebody's cage, push somebody's buttons
myśleć twórczo, myśleć kreatywnie
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think out of the box
poddac sie modzie, zaczac robic to co wszyscy
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jump on the bandwagon
zamieniac sie w sluch
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be all ears, I'm all ears.
miec oczy szeroko otawrte
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be all eyes
nie do pojęcia dla kogoś, przechodzące czyjeś wyobrażenie
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above somebody's comprehension
działać komuś na nerwy
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get on one's nerves, Oh, stop it, you're getting on my nerves!
doprowadzać kogoś do wściekłości, doprowadzać do szału
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drive somebody crazy, make somebody crazy, She's driving me crazy
pilnuj swoich spraw!, pilnuj swojego nosa!, zajmij się swoimi sprawami!
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mind your own business!
doprowadzać kogoś do szału
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drive somebody up the wall
oszalały, wściekły, szalony
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as mad as a hatter
być szczerym i otwartym
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be above board
pamiętac o czymś
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keep something in mind
mieć wyczucie stylu, mieć dobry gust
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have a sense of style, Does Maggie have a sense of style
zabójczo ubrany (ubrany bardzo atrakcyjnie)
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dressed to kill
rozpadac sie o małżeństwie
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be on the rocks
oswiadczyc sie
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pop the question, Sam knew that if he were to pop the question, she would say yes.
rozstac sie z kims
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split up with somebody, She split up with his boyfriend
byc w siodmym niebie
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be on cloud nine
byc zakochanym po uszy
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be head over heels in love, I'm head over heels in love with him.
pobrac sie
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tie the knot, You are sure you want to tie the knot.
w podswiadomosci
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in the back of sb mind
badać grunt
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test the waters, The government is testing the waters to assess the country's reactions to their proposals.
robić postepy, odnosić sukces
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make one's way, They are making their way in steel industry.
dotrzymać umowy, wywiązac się z umowy
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keep one's side of the bargin,: I've done what I promised and I expect you to keep your side of the bargain
zawrzeć umowę, ubić targu
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strike a bargin, After long negotiations they finally struck a bargain
dorobic sie, zarobic szmal
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be quids in
wciskac komus kit
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flip the script, The guy flips the script depending on whose listetning
bez wzgledu na okolicznosci
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rain or shine, regardless of something
nieszczęścia chodzą parami (dosł. nigdy nie pada, zawsze leje)
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when it rains, it pours
poprawić komuś humor, poprawić kogoś dzień, rozweselić kogoś
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brighten up somebody's day
burza w szklance wody
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storm in a teacup
przełamać lody, przełamać pierwsze lody
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break the ice, Somebody told a joke and we all felt that it broke the ice.
nie ma tego złego, co by na dobre nie wyszło;
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every cloud has a silver lining
zebrać za kogoś laury
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steal somebody's thunder
zbierać na czarną godzinę
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save up for a rainy day
obwiniać kogoś
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point the finger at somebody, blame somebody
postradać zmysły
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lose one's mind, out of one's mind, My mother will think you've lost your mind.
pracować do późnej nocy
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burn the midnight oil
być na ostatniej prostej, zbliżać się do końca
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be on the home stretch/straight
z małą ilością pieniędzy, budżetowo
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on a shoestring
długa droga, harówka, męczarnia
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long haul, Writing that essay was a long haul.
wystepowac w malych ilosiach, brakowac
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be in short supply, Petrol was in short supply after the war.
zabic kogos, wyeliminowac kogos
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pop sb off, kill someone
ktoś czuje, że ktoś inny go obgaduje
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somebody's ears are burning
zwlekac, nie spieszyc sie, robic cos w swoim tempie
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take somebody time, The builders are really taking their time.
zgadzać się z czyms
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see eye to eye on sth
przechwalac sie, chwalic sie czyms
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boast (bołst) about sth, Stop boasting about your new boyfriend
być wypłacalnym, przynosić zyski
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be in the black
postawić wszystko na jedną kartę
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go for broke
być odpowiednim, nadawać się
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fit the bill
stać się znanym, popularnym, zyskać popularność
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gain ground, The products are rapidly gain ground in Poland.
czołówka, najlepsi pracownicy w firmie/organizacji
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cream of the crop, After a few years hard work he become the cream of the crop
zamknąć interes
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close up shop, If the crises dosn't end we will have to close up shop
ryzyko, ryzykowna próba
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a long shot, It was a long shot but now I think It was a good decision.
harować jak wół, tyrać jak wół
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keep one's nose to the grindstone, work like a dog
okres projektowania i wdrażania
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lead time, Lead time to prepare a new function is short.
zgadzac sie z
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see eye to eye with somebody
bardzo przygnebiony, bardzo smutny
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way down
przycisnąć do muru
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nail down, We nailed him down and he told us the truth.
pod maską (o niewidocznych elementach składowych czegoś)
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under the hood
zapędzić kogoś w kozi róg
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paint oneself into a corner, The candidate painted himself into a corner during the debate
leje jak z cebra
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raining cats and dogs
nie wywołuj wilka z lasu
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let sleeping dogs lie
klin (alkohol pity w celu złagodzenia objawów kaca)
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hair of the dog
nieszcześliwe życie
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its a dogs life
iskierka nadziei, jasna strona
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silver lining, a spark of hope,
wyjść na durnia
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have egg on one's face
mieć ważniejsze sprawy do załatwienia
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have bigger fish to fry
chleb powszedni, główne środki utrzymania
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zarabiać na chleb
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bring home the bacon
apetyty wiekszy niz zoladek
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one's eyes are bigger than stomach
niewydarzony, nieprzemyślany (np. pomysł)
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mieć dużo na głowie, mieć dużo do roboty
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have a lot on one's plate, You have a lot of your plate
apetyt na słodycze, słabość do słodyczy
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sweet tooth, My daughter has a sweet tooth and eats a lot of chocolate.
przepraszam za przekleństwa
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excuse my French
stawianie wszystkiego najedna karte
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put all your eggs in one basket
kąsać rękę, która cię karmi
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bite the hand that feeds you
dostosowac sie do czegos
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conform to sth, adjust, You have to conform to our rules if you want live here.
kosztować dużo pieniędz
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break the bank, Here are my favourite discount options that won't break the bank
być spłukanym
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be flat broke, to be broke, With this salary, I am always flat broke by the end of the month. I think I need to find another job.
uprzeć się na coś
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dig one's heels in, insist on something, It was really the British who, by digging their heels in, prevented any last-minute deal
good/bad hair day
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zły/dobry dzień pod względem samopoczucia, humoru, nastawienia
traktować kogoś z góry, patrzeć na kogoś z góry
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look down one's nose at somebody, They rather looked down their noses at anyone who couldn't speak French.
udawać, że się czegoś nie widzi
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look the other way, Stolen goods are sold unashamedly in broad daylight but you tend to look the other way and mind your own business.
wyglądać najkorzystniej
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look one's best, I made sure I was very clean and looking my best.
sytuacja się poprawia
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things are looking up, Things are looking up for families across the country as the economy continues to rebound.
martwić się lub myśleć że jest prawdopodobieństwo, ze coś złego może się zdażyć
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look over one's shoulder, You have to be looking over your shoulder in this business.
obniżać poziom, obniżać w dół
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drag sth down
byc w toku, byc w trakcie
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be underway
mały ptaszek mi powiedział (używane gdy nie chcemy zdradzić skąd o czymś wiemy)
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a little bird told me, A little bird told me you have a girlfriend.
mówić jednym językiem (mieć podobne zdanie)
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speak/talk the same language, Do you find it's easy to talk the same language with colleagues at work or friends at school
puścić parę z ust, wyjawić sekret, wygadać się
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spill the beans
zagadać kogoś na śmierć, zanudzić kogoś na śmierć gadaniem
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talk somebody's ear off, Has someone ever talked your ear off
gadać jak najęty
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talk a mile a minute, Women usually talk a mile a minute.
mówić zagadkami
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talk/speak in riddles, Is talking in riddles and talking in circles the same
gadać w kółko to samo
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talk in circles, talking over and over again with out progress
na progu czegoś (np. dorosłego życia), na przełomie czegoś (np. lat)
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be on the cusp of something, while others may be on the cusp of becoming commercially available.
stworzyc z kims zespol, zaczac z kims wapolpracowac
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team up with sb, Microsoft is teaming up with Amazon to offer Gluon an open-source deep learining library.
uratować sytuację
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save the day
całodobowy, na okrągło 24 godziny na dobę
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round the clock, They have ben working round the clock to meet the deadline
rozpoczynać się
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get underway
stracić motywację, wypalić się, opadać z sił
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run out of steam, After ten hours of work, he ran out of steam.
wpaść w panikę, spanikować
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push the panic button
wpaść w szał, eksplodować, wściec się
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blow a fuse
polubić się natychmiast, przypaść sobie nawzajem do serca
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click with somebody
wodotryski, bajery, dodatki (w pozytywnym sensie)
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bells and whistles
coś działającego bardzo dobrze, poprawnie, zgodnie z normami
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Well-oiled machine
fart, szczescie
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big break, I didn't expect it to work, it was a big break
w srodku czegos
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be in the middle of something
być przyciśniętym do muru
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have one's back to the wall, She had her back to the wall - she simply had to get the money
byc smutnym, byc zdolowanym
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feel blue, I ha e been feeling blue after we broke up.
zaszokowalo mnie
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all shook up
o ile wiem
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for all I know

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