
 0    16 schede    martawisniewska87
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Domanda Risposta
obudziłem się o świcie
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woke up at the crack of down
przez całą dobę / 24 godziny na dobę
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around the clock/ 24 hour a day
zakończyć pracę!
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call it a day!
nie spiesz się!
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take your time!
obecnie, chwilowo, tymczasowo
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for the time being
w ostatniej chwili
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in the nick of time
pod wpływem chwili, impulsu
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spur of the moment
lada dzień
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any day now
zabrakło czasu
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run out of the time
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call off
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hold up
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jot down
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look up
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put on
poddawać się/rezygnować
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give up
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give back

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