idioms (1-3)

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Domanda English Risposta English
shelf life
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a product usability period
mother tongue
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one’s native language
night cap
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an alcoholic drink before going to sleep
the rat race
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a heavy competition for success
head start
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a most useful advantage over someone
wild goose chase
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a useless search for something
elbow grease
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a hard manual work
home stretch
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the final part of a race, journey etc.
nest egg
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money saved for future use
road hog
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an inconsiderate driver
the jet set
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an international high society
cupboard love
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an affection shown only to get something
razor edge
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a difficult or dangerous position
hush money
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money paid to keep facts secret
cleft stick
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a troublesome situation
be all fingers and thumbs
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be awkward and clumsy and do things incorrectly
(they are) as different as chalk and cheese
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you are emphasizing that they are completely different from each other
be a matter of life and death
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to be very serious
fight tooth and rail
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to try very hard to get something you want
rack and ruin
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a state of decay
be part and parcel of
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to be a feature of something, especially a feature that cannot be avoided
the life and soul of
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someone who is energetic and funny and at the centre of activity during social occasions
touch and go
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something that is uncertain
spick and span
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very clean and tidy (place)
bits and bobs
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small things
doom and gloom
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sad and tragic events: a feeling or attitude that things are only getting worse
kith and kin
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people you are connected with, especially by family relationships
in dribs and drabs
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arrive in small numbers over a period of time rather than arriving all together (people)
vim and vigour
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energy and enthusiasm
best bib and tucker
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best clothes that you wear on special occasions
come/go under the hammer
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to be sold at an auction
square the circle
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trying to do something that is very difficult or impossible
split hairs
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to argue about small details of something
put a lid on (sth)
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to keep something under control and stop it from increasing
talk shop
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to talk about your job with those you work with when not at work
tell tales out of school
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to share secrets, often knowing that doing so will cause problems for someone else
tan your neighbor's children's hide
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to punish or discipline someone, typically harshly or physically
cook the books
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to change numbers dishonestly in the accounts of an organization, especially in order to steal money from it
call it a day
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to stop working for the day
hold water
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to seem to be true or reasonable
break new ground
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to do something that is different to anything that has been done before
pull someone's leg
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to try to persuade someone to believe something that is not true, as a joke
brave the elements
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to go out in bad weather
show the flag
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to show support for the country, group, or organization that you belong to
chew the fat
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gossiping or making friendly small talk

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