How is life treating you?, It was snowing, Don't beat yourself up, fulfill, expiration date, caregiver, work smartly, flight ticket, convictions, Youngsters, to insult, the bitter truth, attachment

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{Jak się miewasz?}
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How is life treating you? {haʊ ɪz laɪf ˈtriːtɪŋ
{Padał śnieg} yesterday.
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It was snowing
{Nie krytykuj się} every time you make a mistake.
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Don't beat yourself up
I am obligated to {spełnienia} all the conditions of the contract.
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My driver's license has an {datę ważności} next month.
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expiration date
A {opiekun osób starszych} for the elderly must take care of their protegers.
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caregiver {kɛrˌɪɡɪvər}
{Musisz pracować mądrze} to achieve success.
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You have to work smartly
I bought a {bilet lotniczy} to Cuba.
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flight ticket
In recent years, the city's population has started {kurczyć się, zmniejszać}.
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to shrink {tuː ʃrɪŋk}
The young couple decided {założyć rodzinę}.
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to start a family
Youngsters have many {przekonania} about the world.
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convictions {kənˈvɪkʃənz}
{Młodzi ludzie} often have idealistic views of the world.
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It's not polite {obrażać} others, even if you're angry.
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to insult
That's {gorzka prawda} we have to accept.
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the bitter truth
She has a strong {więź} to her childhood home.
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