actions speak louder than words, What is done is d...

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It's important to remember that {czyny mówią głośniej niż słowa}.
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actions speak louder than words
{Co się stało, to się nie odstanie}, there's no point dwelling on it now.
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What is done is done
{Przejdźmy do sedna} and discuss the main issue at hand.
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Let's cut to the chase
{Ściany mają uszy}, so be careful what you say here.
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The walls have ears
She decided to {oczyścić} her mind through meditation.
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purify {ˈpjʊə. rɪ. faɪ}
{Czy jest rannym ptaszkiem, czy nocnym markiem}?
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Is he an early bird or a night owl?
The firefighter rushed {zgasić, ugasić} the blazing fire.
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to put out
His constant complaints only serve {pogorszyć} the situation.
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to aggravate {ˈæɡ. rə. veɪt}
He's known for his {prawość}, always standing up for what's morally right.
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She's always been {zła dla ludzi, problemy z ludźmi}, preferring the company of animals instead.
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bad with people
{Na wszystko przychodzi pierwszy raz}, so don't worry about making mistakes.
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There is a first time for everything
What are the entry {wymagania, warunki} of the university?
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He said {stanowczo} that he wouldn't change his mind
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Buttermilk is a {produkt uboczny} of making butter.
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No {rozwodnione} margaritas at this party.
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