Hotel - Viesnīcā

 0    28 schede    VocApp
Domanda Risposta
Do you know any cheap hostels nearby?
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Vai tu zini kādu lēta hosteli tuvumā?
reception desk
The reception desk is open 24 hours a day.
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Reģistratūra strādā 24 stundas dienā.
on a budget
Students often travel on a budget so that they don't need to spend a lot of money.
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iekļauties budžetā
Studenti bieži ceļo iekļaujoties noteiktā budžetā, lai netērētu daudz naudas.
double room
Do you have any vacant double rooms?
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divvietīgs numuriņš
also: divvietīga istaba
Vai ir pieejams kāds divvietīgs numuriņš?
buffet breakfast
Is a buffet breakfast included in the price?
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bufetes tipa brokastis
Vai bufetes brokastis ir iekļautas cenā?
The bedclothes are dirty.
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Gultas veļa ir netīra.
There are no towels in our room.
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Istabā nav dvieļu.
+21 schede
La lezione è parte del corso
"Latvian for travelling"
(Un totale di 445 schede)

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