Car - Ceļojot ar automašīnu

 0    39 schede    VocApp
Domanda Risposta
What vehicles can we rent here?
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Kādus transportlīdzekļus mēs varam šeit īrēt?
Are you sure that the wheel is not broken?
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Vai esi pārliecināts, ka auto ritenis nav salūzis?
to fill up the car
Fill up the tank, please!
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ieliet degvielu
Ielej degvielu, lūdzu!
Is there enough oil in our car?
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Vai mašīnā ir pietiekoši eļļas?
Can you give me a map?
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Vai vari iedot man karti?
parking fee
How can I pay the parking fee?
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maksa par autostāvvietu
Kā es varu samaksāt par autostāvvietu?
Does this road lead to the city center?
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Vai šis ceļš ir uz pilsētas centru?
+32 schede
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"Latvian for travelling"
(Un totale di 445 schede)

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